How to open a registered account in Tencent's corporate mailbox (tutorial of image and text registration)

Tencent corporate mailbox is a corporate mailbox service provided by Tencent. It is widely favored by enterprises and users because of its stability, security and efficiency. It is convenient for enterprises to manage their work. How can we register a Tencent enterprise WeChat? Next, we will give you a detailed introduction to the opening and registration tutorial of Tencent's corporate mailbox to help you easily complete the opening and setting of Tencent's corporate mailbox.

1、 Preparatory work

Before starting to open Tencent's mailbox, you need to prepare the following information:

Tencent email account: If you do not have a Tencent email account, you can visit the official website of Tencent email( )Register and create an enterprise on.

Administrator permissions: You need administrator permissions to open Tencent's corporate mailbox.

Domain name information: If you want to use a custom domain name as the suffix of Tencent's mailbox, you need to have a valid domain name first.

2、 Opening process

The following is the opening process of enterprise WeChat mailbox:

Log in to the official website of Tencent E-mail(( )。


On the official website page, click the "Register Now" button to enter the registration page.


On the registration page, fill in your enterprise name, administrator name, domain name and other information, and set administrator password and other related options. Please note that the information filled in must be true and effective for subsequent use and management.


After confirming that the information filled in is correct, click the "Register" button. At this time, Tencent Cmail will open a new Cmail account for you. You can view and manage this account on this page.

After successful opening, you can send, receive and manage mails through Tencent's mailbox management background or mail client. In the management background, you can set other related configuration items, such as mail rules, automatic replies, etc.

3、 Precautions

The following points should be noted when opening Tencent's mailbox:

Ensure that the domain name provided is legal and has not been registered by others, otherwise the registration process will be easily delayed.

Ensure that the administrator has sufficient authority to manage Tencent's corporate mailbox.

The information filled in shall be accurate to avoid unnecessary troubles in subsequent use.

It is recommended to update the domain name information regularly and keep the latest status of administrator permissions.

Through the introduction of this article, you should have understood the detailed operation process of how to open and register Tencent's corporate email account. As an efficient and convenient communication tool, Tencent E-mail has been widely used among enterprise users due to its stable performance, powerful anti spam function and efficient security measures. If you encounter any problems or need further help in the use process, you can consult the official customer service for assistance.

  • This article is written by Published on November 22, 2023 14:42:17
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