How to register an enterprise's WeChat mailbox? Enterprise WeChat Email Registration Tutorial

With the popularity of enterprise WeChat, more and more enterprises and individuals begin to use enterprise WeChat for daily communication and work collaboration. As an important function of enterprise WeChat, enterprise WeChat mailbox allows users to send, receive and manage mails more conveniently. Maybe some kids don't know how to register. Now we will introduce the registration tutorial of enterprise WeChat mailbox to you in detail, which can let you have it immediately.

1、 Preparatory work

Before starting to register the enterprise WeChat mailbox, you need to prepare the following information:

Enterprise WeChat account: If you do not have an enterprise WeChat account, you can visit the official WeChat website( )Register and create an enterprise on.

Administrator permission: You need administrator permission to register enterprise WeChat mailbox.

Email domain name: If you want to use a custom domain name as the suffix of the enterprise WeChat mailbox, you need to have a valid domain name first.

2、 Registration process

The following is the registration process of enterprise WeChat mailbox:

Log in to the enterprise WeChat management background( )。


On the "Application Management" or "Application Center" page of the management background, find and click the "Corporate Mailbox" application, and click Register


Then click Activate Now.

The next step is to fill in the enterprise information


In the pop-up "Configuration Guide" page, set according to your needs, including the name of the corporate mailbox, administrator information, mail server information, etc. Please note that the configuration information here will affect the subsequent use of enterprise WeChat mailboxes.

After confirming that the setting information is correct, click the "Save" button. At this time, WeChat will automatically create a corporate mailbox domain name for you. You can view and manage this domain name on this page.


After the configuration is completed, you can send, receive and manage mails through the enterprise WeChat management background or the enterprise mailbox APP. In the management background, you can also set other related configuration items, such as mail rules, automatic replies, etc.

3、 Precautions

When registering an enterprise WeChat mailbox, the following points should be noted:

Ensure that the domain name provided is legal and has not been registered by others.

Ensure that the administrator has sufficient authority to manage the enterprise WeChat mailbox.

The configuration information should be accurate to avoid unnecessary trouble in subsequent use.

It is recommended to update the domain name information regularly and keep the latest status of administrator permissions.

Through the introduction of this article, you should have learned how to register an enterprise WeChat mailbox and related precautions. As an efficient and convenient communication tool, WeChat can meet users' daily mail needs. If you encounter any problems or need further help in the use process, you can consult the official customer service, or pay attention to some of the relevant content posted on our website.

  • This article is written by Published on November 22, 2023 14:19:31
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