How to open the registration steps of corporate mailbox, Tencent's corporate mailbox registration tutorial

In today's business environment, as an important tool for daily communication and collaboration, enterprise mailbox has become an essential infrastructure for enterprises. As one of the leading enterprise mailbox service providers in China, Tencent E-mail has been favored by many enterprises. This article will introduce the steps of opening and registering Tencent's mailbox in detail to help you easily complete the registration process.


Why use corporate mailbox

Professionalism: The mailbox takes the corporate domain name as the suffix to reflect the corporate image and strength and improve professionalism.

Security: The corporate mailbox has higher security, which can effectively prevent spam and network attacks.

Stability: The enterprise mailbox provides a more stable network environment and server support to ensure that mail can be sent and received without worry.

Efficiency: Cmail supports multiple functions, such as folder classification, mail search, online preview of attachments, etc., to improve work efficiency.

Tencent Email Registration Tutorial

1. First of all, we will open the official website of Tencent E-mail.

After opening, click "Register New Enterprise" in the upper right corner


2. Then click the "Register Now" button in the middle.


3. If we haven't opened enterprise WeChat, we need to click "Open Now" first


4. Then fill in your business information and complete the "registration"


5. After the registration is completed, as long as the communication is completed and the contract is signed according to the system process, Tencent's mailbox can be opened.

Precautions for use of mailbox

Protect password security: In order to protect the account security, it is recommended to modify the password regularly and avoid using weak passwords or passwords related to personal information. The password should contain a combination of letters, numbers and special characters, and the length should be at least 10 digits. It is not recommended to save the password in the browser or let the browser remember the password.

Don't disclose your password to a third party: Don't disclose your email password to anyone, including internal personnel or technical support personnel. If you suspect that the password has been leaked, please change the password immediately and notify the administrator.

Handle email attachments and links carefully: Do not click on attachments or links of unknown emails, especially emails from unknown senders. These attachments or links may contain malware or viruses.

Confirm the correctness of the email address: When sending or replying to an email, you should confirm the correctness of the email address to avoid sending it to the wrong recipient or to the wrong email address.

Pay attention to protecting personal privacy: avoid disclosing personal sensitive information, such as ID card number, bank card number, mobile phone number, etc. Such information may be used by malicious recipients for identity theft or fraud.

Through the introduction and guidance of this article, you can easily grasp the methods and steps of how to open and register Tencent's email. At the same time, we remind you to pay attention to safety and stability in the use process to ensure the normal operation and development of the enterprise.

  • This article is written by Published on November 21, 2023 19:43:20
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