Steps of re creating ID (detailed registration steps)

In this era of high dependence on digital technology, our online identity and data security has become increasingly important. Whether it's because we forgot our password or for other reasons, we may need to re create Apple ID to ensure that our personal information and data are better protected. In fact, re creating an Apple ID is not complicated, and only needs to follow some simple steps to complete it. This article will introduce the steps of re creating Apple ID in detail to help you easily complete the registration process.


Why do I need to recreate Apple ID

Forgot password or account theft: If your Apple ID password is lost or your account is stolen, you can protect your personal information and data by re creating a new Apple ID.

Privacy protection: Sometimes, we may need to re create Apple IDs to protect our privacy. For example, if you use the same Apple ID to share information with others, you can create a new Apple ID to avoid data disclosure.

Device replacement: If you want to use your Apple ID on a new device, you may need to re create a new Apple ID to ensure that your data is synchronized on the new device.

Exclusive account


If you feel that it is too troublesome to register, you can directly click the icon link to purchase an exclusive ID account. The regular platform download is 100% secure. When you sell, you can delete the backup information immediately without repeated sales.

To recreate the id

Step 1: Open the settings and register a new Apple ID

Open "Settings" on the desktop, click "iCloud", and then jump to the Apple ID login interface. Please click "Create New Apple ID".


Step 2: Fill in the registration information according to the guidance

According to the guidance, fill in the birth date, name, Apple ID account, password, password question, rescue email address, etc. in the pop-up interface. In order to facilitate the recovery of account services and password complaints in the later period, we recommend that you use the real information. Finally, we agreed to Apple's terms of service statement and completed the registration process.


Step 3: Complete mailbox verification

At this time, the Apple ID has been created, but email verification is still required. Please log in to the email address you use as your Apple ID account (both on your mobile phone and computer, and take computer operation as an example), find the verification email in your inbox, and log in to your newly registered Apple ID in the pop-up page to complete the verification.


Step 4: Activate Apple ID

After verification, open the "Settings" of your phone and click "iCloud" again to activate your account. At this time, you can log in to Apple devices with your registered Apple ID and enjoy the excellent user experience brought by Apple.


How to protect your Apple ID

Set strong password: To protect your Apple ID from unauthorized access, it is recommended that you set a strong password. The password should contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters, and be at least 8 digits long.

Enable dual authentication: To further improve security, you can enable the dual authentication function. This function can ensure that only you can access your Apple ID, even if others know your password, they can't log in.

Update password regularly: In order to prevent hackers from invading your Apple ID with the leaked password, it is recommended that you update your password regularly. You can choose a meaningful password replacement cycle, such as every three months.

Avoid using public Wi Fi: Public Wi Fi may be used by hackers to steal your personal information. Therefore, try to avoid using public Wi Fi for sensitive operations in public places, such as logging in to a bank account or entering a password.

Through the above contents, we have introduced the steps of re creating Apple IDs in detail. When creating a new Apple ID, be sure to fill in accurate information and enable the dual authentication function. I hope this article can help you better manage and protect your Apple ID.

  • This article is written by Published on November 21, 2023 19:13:57
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