Enterprise WeChat Email Registration Format (Enterprise WeChat Email Registration Tutorial)

Enterprise WeChat mailbox refers to the e-mail account created for its employees by enterprises using WeChat enterprise mailbox service. Through the enterprise WeChat mailbox, employees can receive and send emails more conveniently and improve work efficiency. It is also more convenient for enterprises to manage employees, so the following article will introduce the registration format and registration tutorial of enterprise WeChat mailbox.

Correct format of enterprise WeChat mailbox

The format of enterprise WeChat e-mail address is generally: user name @ enterprise WeChat domain name, for example: zhangsan@abc_company.com The mailbox refers to the e-mail mailbox, which generally refers to the e-mail account registered on the Internet for sending and receiving mail. The format of email is generally: username @ domain name of email service provider, for example: zhangsan@qq.com

The format of enterprise WeChat mailbox is: user name+@+mailbox domain name. For example, if your corporate email account is test@example.com , the format of your enterprise WeChat mailbox should be test@example.com

WeChat corporate email registration steps

1、 Select an appropriate email domain name

The first thing to consider is the domain name, which is very helpful for subsequent registration.


2、 Prepare registration information


Before registering the enterprise WeChat mailbox, the following information needs to be prepared:

Enterprise Name: used to display the enterprise name in WeChat mailbox.

Administrator's mobile phone number: used to receive verification code and subsequently manage enterprise WeChat mailbox.

Email domain name: the email domain name of an enterprise, which is used to create an employee's personal email.

Other relevant information: such as administrator password, verification code, etc.

3、 Register enterprise WeChat mailbox


After the registration information is ready, you can follow the steps below to register:

Open the official website of WeChat corporate mailbox (take NetEase as an example) to enter the registration page.

On the registration page, enter the enterprise name, administrator mobile phone number, email domain name and other information, and click "Next".

After passing the verification, you will receive a verification code message, enter the verification code and click "Next".

On the administrator page, enter the administrator password, reconfirm the password and other information, and click "Complete Registration".

After successful registration, you will enter the enterprise WeChat mailbox management page, where you can create an employee's personal mailbox and set other relevant configurations.


4、 Activate Employee

1. According to the "name display mode" priority name or alias pinyin @ domain name 2 in the management background - My Enterprise - Address Book Management - Member Data Display, if there are duplicate fields, the pinyin post plus 1.2.3 will be activated to bind the account that overrides the member client's mailbox plug-in, and users can use this mailbox at the same time

1. There are two ways to activate the whole staff

a、 In the last step of the activation process, check Automatically Activate Member's Email Account


b、 Select the activation of all employees in the enterprise WeChat management terminal - application management - enterprise mailbox - mailbox settings


5、 Set other related configurations

In addition to creating employee personal mailboxes, you can also set other relevant configurations of enterprise WeChat mailboxes. For example, set mail filters, use spam filters, etc. These configurations can be set according to the actual needs of the enterprise.

6、 Use enterprise WeChat mailbox service

After completing the above steps, employees can use personal WeChat to scan the QR code provided by enterprise WeChat, and use personal email account to log in to WeChat computer terminal or mobile phone terminal to start using enterprise WeChat email service. Employees can send and receive emails, set email filters, and use spam filters through the enterprise WeChat mailbox. At the same time, administrators can also manage and monitor employees' personal mailboxes on the management page.

In short, through the above steps, we can successfully register the enterprise WeChat mailbox and create the employee's personal mailbox. The use of enterprise WeChat mailbox service can improve work efficiency, protect privacy and ensure information security. If you have other questions or questions, please consult the WeChat mailbox service provider or technical support team for more help.

  • This article is written by Published on November 21, 2023 15:16:18
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/24014.html
