How to open and register enterprise WeChat mailbox? After reading it, you will understand

We should not be unfamiliar with the enterprise WeChat mailbox, which is very important in our work and life. The enterprise WeChat mailbox has become an indispensable part of the daily work of enterprises. It can not only send and receive emails conveniently, but also has the advantages of efficient collaboration and mobile office. However, there are some small partners who don't know how to register, so the following will introduce in detail how to open a registered enterprise WeChat mailbox for you to get started easily.

1、 Open enterprise WeChat mailbox service

Open the official website of WeChat public platform and click "Register Now".

Select "Enterprise WeChat" and fill in relevant information as required, including enterprise name, business license number, administrator information, etc.


Agree and abide by the WeChat Public Platform Service Agreement and relevant laws and regulations, and click "Register".


Pay the corresponding fee and select the service package to open the enterprise WeChat mailbox service.

2、 Configure the enterprise mailbox server

In the enterprise WeChat management background, click the "corporate mailbox" option.

Enter the email domain name and administrator information, and click Next.

Configure the SMTP and POP3 server addresses and other related settings to ensure that mail is sent and received normally.

Confirm whether the domain name resolution is correct to ensure that the mail server can deliver mail correctly.


To test whether the configuration is successful, you can send a test email to verify.

3、 Assign email accounts to employees

In the enterprise WeChat management background, select the "Address Book" option.

Click "Add Member", enter member name, mobile phone number and other information, and assign corresponding roles and permissions to members.

Set independent passwords for members, and ensure that they can safely keep and use passwords.

Regularly monitor and manage mailbox usage to ensure efficiency and security.

4、 Protect the security of enterprise WeChat mailbox

Enable the dual authentication function: through dual authentication, you need to provide additional authentication information to log in to the mailbox account, effectively preventing unauthorized access.

Regularly update anti-virus software and firewall: using the latest anti-virus software and firewall can protect enterprise WeChat mailbox from malicious software attacks and infections.

Do not open messages and links of unknown origin at will: these may contain malicious code or links, which may pose a threat to mailbox security.

Backup important messages regularly: avoid losing or damaging important messages due to security incidents.

Develop a strict password policy: require employees to change passwords regularly, and prohibit the use of weak passwords or shared passwords.

Restrict access to specific folders or settings: For important or sensitive messages, you can set access permissions or move them to specific folders to reduce the risk of disclosure.

Timely update of software version: keep the latest version of enterprise WeChat and mailbox clients to obtain the latest security patches and functional updates.

Train employees to improve their security awareness: organize employees to participate in security training regularly to improve their awareness of network security and awareness of prevention.

Establish an emergency response plan: develop an emergency response plan for mailbox security incidents to quickly take measures to restore normal mail services and data security in case of problems.

Cooperation with professional security service providers: seek cooperation with professional security service providers, and conduct regular security audits and risk assessments to ensure the security and stability of enterprise WeChat mailbox services.

In short, it is very simple to open and register an enterprise's WeChat mailbox, but we should pay attention to its security in daily use. The comprehensive application of measures such as strengthening security management measures, training staff and improving emergency response capability can protect the safe and stable operation of enterprise WeChat mailbox to the greatest extent. I hope the above content can help you better understand how to open and register enterprise WeChat mailbox and ensure its safe use.

  • This article is written by Published on November 20, 2023 16:25:15
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