Google official website account registration application (Google account registration steps)

It is very common to have a Google account now, and having a Google account has become a necessity for many people in their daily life and work. It can help you to access and use various Google services, such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, and other services. The following editor will introduce you how to register an account on Google's official website to start using these services.

1、 Visit Google's official website

First, you need to visit Google's official website. Enter "google. com" or“ ", and then press Enter.


2、 Create a Google account

On the homepage of Google's official website, you will find a "Create Account" or "Register" button. Click this button to enter the registration page.


On the registration page, you need to fill in some basic information, including:

Username: Select a user name you like and make sure it is unique. The user name will be used to log in to your Google account.

Password: Select a strong password and make sure you can remember it. The password will be used to protect your Google account.

Email address: Provide a valid email address so that Google can contact you. If you already have an email address, you can enter it directly. If you don't have one, you can create a new email address.

Birthday: Input your birthday information so that Google can better understand your age and hobbies.

Gender: Select your gender so that Google can better personalize recommended content.

Phone number: Enter your phone number so that Google can send you a verification code or provide other help.

Privacy policy and terms: Read and agree to Google's privacy policy and terms. These policies and terms will ensure that your personal information is protected and stipulate how you can use and share your data.

After filling in the basic information, click the "Create Account" button to continue the next step.

3、 Verify email address and mobile number


After you create a Google account, you need to verify your email address and mobile number. This is to ensure that your account is safe and reliable.

Verify email address: Google will send a verification email to your email address. Please log in to your email account, find this email from Google, and click the link to confirm your email address.

Verify mobile phone number: Google will send a verification code message to your mobile phone number. Please enter the received verification code and click the "Verify" button to confirm your mobile phone number.

After verifying your email address and mobile number, you can start using your Google account.

If you think the steps of registration are tedious, we also have ready-made accounts. If you need them, you can directly click the link below to buy them. All accounts are used independently and stably.


4、 The mobile phone number cannot be verified

On the information filling page, we correctly fill in the information that Google asked us to fill in, and then click Next. Remember the user name and password.


At this time, you will jump to the mobile verification interface. If you are lucky, sometimes this step will not appear and you can skip it directly. However, in most cases, the mobile verification interface will appear. If mobile phone verification occurs, we can directly select China, fill in mobile phone numbers in mainland China, and then click "Next"

Many netizens will encounter a page that prompts you that "this phone number cannot be used for verification". What should we do? Now let's introduce the solution.

Close the Google registration page, click the three points above Google Browser, click "Settings" - "Advanced" - "Language", and you will come to the following interface:

My default here is simplified Chinese. We add a language and an English language


Then display Google Browser in English in this language,

Remove Simplified Chinese, restart Google Browser, and the restarted Google Browser will be displayed in full English.

Through the above steps, you can successfully register an account on Google's official website. Now, you can access and use various Google services, such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, etc. Remember to regularly update your password and protect your account security to ensure that your personal information is protected. If you need help or have any questions, you can contact Google's support team for help at any time.

  • This article is written by Published on November 20, 2023 16:21:09
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