Overseas Apple ID login portal, register and log in to overseas Apple ID tutorial

In the digital era, Apple products have become one of the most popular technology products in the world. Apple ID is an indispensable authentication ID when users use Apple products. In addition to the commonly used Apple IDs in China, some users may also need to use overseas Apple IDs to obtain more resources or perform specific operations. This article will introduce you to the overseas Apple ID registration tutorial to help you easily own your own overseas Apple ID.

Apple ID login portal


Register and log in to overseas AppleID tutorial

First, you need an email address, and then you need a US address generator; Then log into Apple's registered website( https://appleid.apple.com/ )


Start Registration - Email Registration ID Account

Click Create Your Apple ID in the upper right corner to register, fill in the corresponding information according to the figure, and then click "Continue"


Next, the latest method is to click the second option Personal Information and select Country/Region


Click "Change country or region", a new window will pop up


At this time, select the "None" option in the payment method. At the same time, if you need to improve the billing address, you need to use the US address generator


∆ Please select five tax-free states: Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon. Otherwise, you will have to pay additional taxes when you buy apps later.

Exclusive account


If you feel that it is too troublesome to register, you can directly click the icon link to purchase an exclusive ID account. The regular platform download is 100% secure. When you sell, you can delete the backup information immediately without repeated sales.

US Apple ID Login Tutorial


Protect account security and privacy settings

Protect password security: ensure that your password is complex enough and changed regularly, and avoid using weak passwords or sharing passwords with others. It is recommended to use the password management tool to help you manage multiple passwords.

Enable dual verification: To improve account security, it is recommended that you enable the dual verification function. In this way, even if others obtain your password, they cannot easily log in to your account.

Follow privacy settings: In account settings, you can adjust privacy settings, such as disclosing or hiding personal data, limiting advertising tracking, etc. Ensure that your personal information is fully protected.

Prevention of fraud information: please be careful not to click on emails or false links from strangers to prevent fraud information.

Through the introduction in this article, I believe you have learned how to register and log in to overseas Apple ID. With an overseas Apple ID of your own, you can cross geographical boundaries and enjoy the digital world. At the same time, we remind you to pay attention to the account security and privacy settings to ensure the security of your account. I hope this article is helpful to you!

  • This article is written by Published on November 17, 2023 19:28:34
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/23642.html
