Google account registration mobile phone verification cannot be verified, an effective solution

In the digital era, having a Google account has become a necessary passport for many people to obtain information, learn knowledge and exchange ideas. However, when registering Google account, mobile phone verification often encounters problems that cannot be verified, leading to account registration failure. The following article will introduce you to the Google account registration process, and provide solutions that can not be verified by mobile phones to help you successfully download Google accounts.


Google Registrar Website Portal

Google Account Registration Tutorial

Step 1: Open Google's official website

Click the login button on the upper right side or search for "Google Mail" on the Google page, click "Login Google Account" to come to the following page, click "Create Account", and select the purpose of Gmail according to your own needs


Step 2: On the page of creating your Google account, enter the account information to be created, including your last name, first name, user name (that is, your Gmail email, which can be filled in by yourself, including numbers, letters and English periods) and password, and click "Next"


Step 3: This is a key step. Different people may encounter two different situations when registering

First, if you are lucky (related to many factors, such as clean IP, no recent Google account registration, etc.), your account registration page is like this (as shown in the figure below). Among them, the phone number is an optional item, that is, you can directly go to the next step by selecting the birthday time and gender without entering the phone number.


The second case is that most users will encounter when registering Google accounts:

You need to verify your mobile phone number to complete account registration.

Select China (+86) as the area code, enter your phone number, and click Next to continue


Some people, for example, in this step, my mobile phone receives the verification code sent by Google, and can enter the verification code directly into the input payment.


Others will see the following prompt after entering the phone number: This phone number cannot be used for verification.


How to resolve that this phone number cannot be used for verification:

If the phone number cannot be verified, we can click the two points in the upper right corner of Chrome browser to find the setting button in the drop-down menu.


Then select "Language" in the "Advanced" menu on the left, add English (or traditional Chinese) and select "Display Google Chrome in this language", then select "Remove" Chinese (simplified), and then reopen the browser


If nothing unexpected happens, your phone can receive Google's mobile verification code after the above settings. After verifying your phone, select your birthday date and gender, and click Next to continue


On the Make the Most of Your Phone Number page, select the "Enable Now" or "Skip" button.


The last step: privacy and terms, click I agree directly.

Exclusive Google


If you feel that it is too troublesome to register, you can click the link to buy a finished Google account, register in a formal channel, and sell it to delete the backup information immediately. It is absolutely safe to sell it again. Because YouTube was acquired by Google, you can also use YouTube as long as you have a Google account.

Why register a Google account

Access to Google services: Google account is a passport to access Google's various services, including Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, YouTube, etc. These services not only provide functions such as personal information storage and file sharing, but also support online collaborative editing, real-time communication, etc., which is very convenient and practical.

Improve personal information security: After registering a Google account, you can better protect personal information security. For example, through Google's security settings function, you can manage login devices and applications to prevent personal information from leaking or being used illegally.

Enjoy the services provided by Google: Google provides many high-quality services, such as search engine, online advertising, cloud storage, etc. After registering a Google account, you can enjoy the convenience and value brought by these services.

Participation in the Google developer community: if you are a developer, you can participate in the Google developer community after registering a Google account, exchange and learn with other developers, and obtain more technical resources and support.

In a word, if you encounter the problem that your phone cannot be verified when you register your Google account, you can try the above methods. Generally, you can solve the problem. If the problem still exists, you can contact Google Customer Service for help.

Related reading

Google account registration phone number cannot be verified? (Detailed solutions)

Google gmail email phone number cannot be verified? (Latest solution)

  • This article is written by Published on November 17, 2023 18:33:54
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