2023 free Google account sharing (direct use without registration)

In the digital age, having a Google account has become an indispensable passport for many people. Whether it is used for work, study or entertainment, Google account can provide us with rich Internet services. However, for many people, creating a new Google account is not easy, and sometimes they even encounter various obstacles. In order to enable everyone to use Google, Xiaobian directly shares a free Google account, which is free of registration and can be used by logging in directly.


2023 free Google account sharing

Google account 1

account number: lxyong525@gmail.com

Password: n7mnfja5ghghzj1e

Secondary mailbox: vde01chu1cycefaz@hotmail.com

Google account 2

account number: pwang525@gmail.com

Password: k8knfja4ghghzi2f

Secondary mailbox: vde02chu2cycefaz@hotmail.com

Google account 3

account number: zliu525@gmail.com

Password: j6jnfja2ghghzj3g

Secondary mailbox: vde03chu3cycefaz@hotmail.com

Exclusive Google


Friends who do not have a Google account can also click the link to buy a finished Google account, register in a formal channel, and sell it to delete backup information immediately. It is absolutely safe to sell it twice. Because YouTube is acquired by Google, so as long as you have a Google account, you can also use YouTube.


1. If you use a shared Google account, you should avoid logging on multiple accounts at the same time on a single IP address to prevent the collective blocking of accounts.

2. In China, because Google services cannot be accessed directly, successful login to Google account requires the use of scientific Internet tools, and you need to prepare your own scientific Internet tools.

3. We do not advocate using the shared Google account to purchase Google's paid services. If the account is blocked, it may cause property losses.

4. After using the shared Google account, you should log off as soon as possible to prevent adverse effects on other users.

What's the role of Google account

Accessing and using Google's various services: Through Google accounts, users can access and use Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, YouTube and other Google services.

Create and manage e-mail accounts: Users can use Google accounts to create and manage multiple e-mail accounts, so that users can use different e-mail addresses in different occasions.

Custom email search and filter: Users can use Google account to set custom email search and filter to better manage and find email.

Share files with other users: Through services such as Google Drive and Google Docs, users can easily share files and documents with other users, and can also perform real-time collaborative editing.

Access and management of online documents: Users can use Google Docs and other services to create, edit and manage various types of online documents, such as Word documents, spreadsheets, presentations, etc.

Google account is an important tool for accessing and using Google's various services. I hope the above shared account can help everyone. In the process of using Google account, please be sure to comply with relevant rules and laws and regulations, and respect the privacy and information security of others. At the same time, we also remind you not to trust the information of unknown sources and unsafe links on the network, so as to avoid the risk of network security threats and personal information disclosure.

Related reading

Google account sharing encyclopedia (free sharing, verified and available)

Google email account password (valid google email)

  • This article is written by Published on November 17, 2023 18:14:37
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/23589.html
