126 free registration entrance mailbox (official website website of 126 mailbox)

E-mail 126 is a free e-mail service launched by NetEase, which is safe, stable and efficient and provides convenient e-mail communication services for users. It is very convenient to work when you are working. This article will give you a detailed introduction to the 126 free registration portal, the official website of 126 mailbox and the registration tutorial. Friends who need to have a look.


E-mail 126 Website

To access the official website of mailbox 126, please enter the following website: https://mail.126.com/ On the official website page, you can perform a series of operations such as email login, registration and setting. In addition, you can learn the latest news and service support about 126 mailboxes.

126 Email Mobile Login

Click Add Email

Open the mobile app and click Add Email Gallery.


Enter information and click Add

Enter 126 mailbox information, and then click the Add button.


Enter the verification code and click Verify

Enter the received verification code, and click Verify.


Enter the mailbox list

Successfully logged in to the mailbox list.


Computer side web page login

Enter account information to log in

Enter the official website of mailbox 126 in the browser, and enter the account information to log in.


Enter the verification code for verification

Enter the verification code received by the phone and click Verify.


Enter the mailbox

After passing the verification, enter the mailbox.


matters needing attention

1. Select a unique user name: The user name is your unique identification in 126 mailbox, so try to choose a user name that is easy to remember and unique. Avoid using too simple or common user names to reduce the risk of account attack or embezzlement.

2. Set a strong password: The password is the voucher for you to log in to mailbox 126. A strong password containing uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters should be set to improve the security of the account. At the same time, avoid using passwords related to personal information, such as birthday, name, etc.

3. Verify email address: During the registration process, the system will send a verification email to the email address you provided. Please confirm that your email address is correct, and click the link in the email to complete the email verification. This is to prevent spammers from using your mailbox for malicious activities.

4. Agree to the service terms: During the registration process, please carefully read and agree to the service terms of NetEase to ensure that you understand and accept the relevant provisions. These provisions include but are not limited to account usage specifications, privacy protection, etc.

5. Protection of personal information: During the registration process, please ensure that the personal information you provide is true and effective, and avoid providing sensitive information (such as ID card number, bank card number, etc.) to third parties or filling in on unsafe pages. Doing so can protect your personal privacy and account security.

6. Change your password regularly: In order to improve the security of your account, it is recommended that you change your password regularly. You can set the option to change the password regularly on the setting page of mailbox 126. At the same time, in order to prevent passwords from being cracked, it is recommended to use complex and unique passwords.

7. Use dual authentication: In order to further improve the security of your account, it is recommended that you enable the dual authentication function. After dual authentication is enabled, even if your password is stolen, others cannot log in to your account. You can enable the dual authentication function on the setting page of mailbox 126. Dual authentication can effectively protect your account security and reduce the risk of being attacked or embezzled.

8. Handle spam with caution: spam may contain malicious links, viruses and other content, bringing you security risks. It is recommended that you handle junk mail carefully and avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments. At the same time, you can set a filter for 126 mailboxes to automatically classify spam into spam bins, which will facilitate your centralized processing and protect your account security.

9. Do not use weak passwords: avoid using common weak passwords, such as "123456" and "password". These passwords are easily guessed or cracked by violent cracking methods, thus increasing the security risk of the account. Therefore, when setting passwords, try to avoid using too simple or common passwords to improve the security of the account.

10. Keep active: In order to prevent the account from being stolen or mistakenly sealed, we recommend that you keep your account active. You can send and receive emails, participate in community discussions and other ways to increase the activity of your account. At the same time, always pay attention to account security notices and community announcements, so as to keep abreast of the latest activities and notices. If you do not use 126 mailbox for a long time, it is recommended that you log in regularly and check the account status to ensure the security and normal use of the account.


Through the introduction of 126 free registration portal mailbox in this article, I believe you have a deeper understanding of how to register an account on 126 mailbox. During the registration process, please carefully read and abide by the service terms of NetEase to ensure your account security and use experience. At the same time, always pay attention to account security notices and community announcements, so as to keep abreast of the latest activities and notices. If you have any problems or need help, you can contact the customer service team of NetEase. We hope that you can enjoy convenient, safe and stable e-mail communication services when using mailbox 126.

  • This article is written by Published on November 18, 2023 09:58:00
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/23459.html
