How to register an American Apple ID? Steps of appleid registration in the US

In the digital era, it is the pursuit of many people to own an American Apple ID. Apple ID in the United States not only allows you to enjoy the convenient experience brought by Apple devices, but also allows you to easily access the App Store, iTunes, etc. in the United States to obtain more featured applications and music. So, how to register an American Apple ID? This article will give you a detailed introduction to the steps of Apple ID registration in the United States to help you easily grasp the trend and start a new digital life!


Why register Apple ID in the US

Having an Apple ID in the United States means that you can explore global digital resources across geographical restrictions. Whether it is the App Store in the United States, iTunes, or online services in other regions, it can be easily accessed through the Apple ID in the United States. This provides more possibilities for your digital life, allowing you to enjoy the digital world anytime, anywhere.

How to register an American Apple ID


Number:+86 mobile phone number, which can be Apple ID registered in China.

E-mail: a new unused mailbox, which can be Google mailbox.

U.S. Address: Select a tax-free state

Exclusive account


If you need to use a foreign Apple ID, you can directly click the icon button to purchase the finished Apple ID. The ID of this website can be downloaded through formal channels, which is absolutely safe. Once you sell it, you can delete the backup information immediately and do not repeat the sales.

Registration steps

Step 1: Open Safari browser to enter Apple's official website: , - Account (bottom) - Manage your Apple ID - Login - Use other Apple IDs. then

Follow the picture steps to fill in the operation

Note that the age must be over 18, otherwise there will be restrictions on the use of some apps. Select America as the region!


The second step is to set the password. The mobile phone number registered with Apple ID in China can also be used, which is valid through personal testing.


Step 3 Fill in the characters and click Continue


Step 4 Enter the email verification code, and click the mobile phone verification code to complete the registration Has.

The login page will pop up, as shown below


After you jump to this page, you can select no payment method directly, so you can use gift cards to recharge later, and the region is still the United States!


Then it is to fill in the address. According to the picture address, Oregon is exempt from sales tax, so you can fill in it with confidence. remember ☑️ Check the billing address, which will be copied directly, and then fill in again.


After clicking the update, we can go directly to the App Store to log in.

Note that instead of logging in to the settings, you should log in to the App Store.


Follow the steps shown in the picture. First log out of the original account, and then log in to the ID of the US area. Note that the third step is to click login instead of click completion.

Then we can download the app. Taking TikTok as an example, a window will pop up when downloading, and you can follow the steps below.


How to protect Apple ID security

Enable dual authentication: With dual authentication, your Apple ID will need two steps of authentication to log in, thus providing a higher level of security protection. Please refer to Apple's official documentation to learn how to enable and configure dual authentication.

Change your password regularly: In order to prevent hackers from cracking your password, it is recommended that you change your password regularly. Please select a complex password containing uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters, and ensure that different passwords are used on different platforms.

Don't share personal information easily: avoid sharing your personal information, such as email address, mobile phone number, etc. in public places or with strangers. This can reduce the risk of your Apple ID being stolen.

Keep your device and software updated: Updating your device and software in a timely manner can ensure that you have the latest security patches and functions, thus protecting your Apple ID and data security.

Don't use unofficial apps: Using unofficial apps may lead to your Apple ID being stolen or personal information being leaked. Please ensure that you only use the app store that has been officially certified by Apple to download apps.

Enable two-step verification: By enabling two-step verification, you can add an additional layer of protection to Apple ID. When you try to login to Apple ID, you will need to provide an additional security code to complete the login. This prevents unauthorized users from accessing your Apple ID and data. To enable two-step verification, please refer to Apple's official documentation or go to Apple's official website for more information.

Through the introduction of this article, you have learned how to register for Apple ID. Now, you are ready to start a new digital life! Having your own Apple ID in the United States not only allows you to enjoy the convenience and fun brought by Apple devices, but also allows you to easily cross national boundaries and explore the global digital world. I hope these skills can bring more fun and convenience to your digital life!

Related reading

How to register Apple ID in the US? (Tutorial test is available)

How to register Apple ID in the United States? (Apple ID registration tutorial in the US)

  • This article is written by Published on November 19, 2023 09:23:00
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