Google account registration portal (nanny level detailed graphic registration tutorial)

In the era of information explosion, having a Google account has become an important cornerstone for connecting the world, obtaining information and conducting business. Whether you use Google search engine, Gmail email, Google Maps map service, or Google Cloud cloud computing platform, you can't do without a Google account. This article will provide you with a nanny level detailed picture and text tutorial to teach you how to register a Google account.


Google account registration portal

Exclusive Google


If you feel that it is too troublesome to register, you can click the link to buy a finished Google account, register in a formal channel, and sell it to delete the backup information immediately. It is absolutely safe to sell it again. Because YouTube was acquired by Google, you can also use YouTube as long as you have a Google account.

Google account registration tutorial

1. Open Google ( com), there is a "Login" button in the upper right corner of Google search, click the "Login" button, and click "Create Account" on the jump page.


2. If it is a personal account for personal use, select "Create for myself". If it is a merchant account for commercial use, select "For merchant management". Generally, it is for personal use, so select "Create for myself".


3. Then enter the data filling interface and fill in the information as required. If there is a gmail mailbox, try to use this one. If there is no gmail mailbox, you can use others. After filling in the information, click "Next".


4. In order to prevent machine registration, Google will ask to verify the mobile phone number, select China in the front area, fill in your own number, remember to add+86, and then click "Next".


5. At this time, there are two situations. One is to successfully receive the SMS verification information, and the other is to receive a prompt - "This phone number cannot be used for verification", as shown below.


In this case, it may be related to the language. You can set the language in Google Chrome as follows - click "...." in the upper right corner of the browser - set - advanced - click "Add Language" in the language item - select Chinese Traditional and set the language as the browser's default language. Close the browser and try to register again.

6. After receiving the SMS verification code, fill in the verification code information and click "Verification".


7. After verification, fill in the page to prompt the relevant information to be filled in, and click "Next".


Note: At this time, Google will prompt you to make full use of your mobile phone number in other applications. You must click Skip here to avoid the need for SMS verification in more places.


8. Finally, agree to Google's relevant privacy and terms, and click "Agree".


Practical skills of Google account registration

1. Choose a user name that is easy to remember and unique.

2. Set a strong password. The password should contain upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters to improve the security of the account;

3. Update your password regularly. To ensure the security of the account, it is recommended to change the password at regular intervals;

4. Bind mobile phone number or email address. This will help you quickly retrieve your password or verify your identity;

5. Learn about Google's security settings. You can manage your account security through the security settings option in Google account settings.

Having a Google account of your own means that you will have the opportunity to open up the digital world. Whether it's information search, social media, online shopping or cloud computing services, Google accounts can help you. Hurry up and start your journey in the digital world!

Related reading

How to register a US Google account? (Google registration tutorial in America)

Purchase with Google account in the United States (high-quality Google account in the United States)

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