How to open and register the corporate mailbox (steps of Netease mailbox registration)

With the rapid development of the Internet, e-mail has become an indispensable communication tool in people's daily life. For enterprises, the use of professional mailbox services can improve work efficiency and ensure information security, which is also part of the corporate image. As a well-known brand in China, NetEase Enterprise Mailbox is favored by many enterprises for its stability, efficiency and security. This article will introduce the steps of opening and registering NetEase's corporate mailbox in detail to help you easily complete the registration and start using it.


How to register for corporate email

1、 Preparatory work

Before starting registration, you need to prepare the following information:

Enterprise Name: Determine your enterprise name for use in the registration process.

Administrator's email: As the administrator of the corporate email, you need to provide a valid personal email address to receive relevant notifications and verification information from NetEase's corporate email.

Password: To ensure the security of your account, you need to set a strong password. It is recommended to include upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.

Domain name: If you already have a domain name, you can bind it to NetEase mailbox during the registration process. If you don't have one, you can purchase and bind it after registration.

2、 Registration process

Log in to the official website of NetEase Enterprise Email( ), click the "Register Now" button.


On the registration page, enter your enterprise name, administrator email address and password, and agree to the terms of service of NetEase Enterprise Email.


After clicking the "Next" button, the system will query the enterprise name and domain name you provided to check whether they can be registered. If the domain name is unavailable or has other problems, you will be prompted to modify it.

If the domain name is available, you will enter the information confirmation page to confirm the domain name and the number of mailboxes. After confirmation, click the "Confirm" button to continue.

On the payment page, select the appropriate package and payment method, and complete the payment. Currently, Alipay, WeChat payment, UnionPay and other payment methods are supported.

After the payment is successful, you will receive an email and SMS notification from NetEase's mailbox, informing you that you have completed your registration and can start using NetEase's mailbox service.

Log in to the management console of NetEase Enterprise Mailbox, create your organizational structure and user account in "Organizations and Users", and assign them to the employees who need them.

When employees use NetEase enterprise mailbox, they can uniformly manage their accounts through the management console, such as modifying passwords, disabling accounts, and so on.

At the same time, in order to ensure the security of the corporate mailbox, you can enable a variety of security settings in the management console, such as login secondary verification, black and white list settings, etc.

If you encounter any problems or questions during the use, you can consult and solve them through the official website or customer service telephone of NetEase.

3、 Precautions

During the registration process, ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the information to avoid affecting the subsequent use.

Set strong passwords and change them regularly to ensure account security.

Confirm that the domain name and the number of mailboxes are correctly selected to avoid problems in subsequent use.

In the payment phase, select a reliable payment method and ensure the security of the payment environment.

Turn on the security settings and check the security log regularly to ensure the security of the corporate mailbox.

In case of problems or questions, contact customer service in time for help.

In a word, the process of opening and registering NetEase's corporate mailbox is relatively simple and clear. Just follow the steps prompted by the system to complete the registration and start using. If you encounter problems or questions during the use, you can consult and solve them through the official website or customer service telephone. I hope this article can help you successfully complete the opening and registration of NetEase Enterprise Mail and start to enjoy professional mail services.

  • This article is written by Published on November 16, 2023 16:01:02
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: , please keep the link of this article for reprinting:
