Instagram Huawei mobile phone download portal (Android download ins tutorial)

The popularity of social media has made Instagram a popular picture and video sharing platform worldwide. However, due to restrictions in some regions, Instagram cannot be downloaded and used directly on Huawei mobile phones. The following editor will provide you with a way to download and use Instagram on Huawei mobile phones for your reference.

How to download Ins from Huawei mobile phones

Preparation before downloading

Because it is a domestic Android phone, it cannot be downloaded directly, so we need to prepare scientific Internet tools to download it.

Method 1: Download Instagram from Huawei Application Market

First, you can try to search Instagram in the Huawei application market and download it directly. Please ensure that your Huawei mobile phone is connected to the Wi Fi network, and follow the steps below:

Open the Huawei application market, and you can find the icon of the application market on the main screen.


Enter "Instagram" in the search box of the application market.


Click the "Install" button in the search results and wait for the Instagram application download and installation to complete.

After installation, you can find the icon of Instagram application on the main screen and click to enter.

However, due to some restrictions, it may not be possible to directly download Instagram in Huawei's application market. In this case, you can try other methods.

Method 2: Google Play download

If you don't have a Google account, you can click the link below. What we have provided can be used with confidence.


Step 1: To download the Android version of ins, you need to download and install Google Store first, and then download the instagram apk installation package through Google Store.

Download website:

Click "Download APK" to download and install.

Step 2: During the installation process, you will be prompted to install the Google service framework googel playservice), We can click Allow to install. When using Google Store on Android phones, we must install the Google Service Framework, otherwise we will be unable to open or flash back.


Step 3: After the installation is completed, you need to connect the accelerator and log in to the Google account password to open the Google Store.

Step 4: After successful login, open Google Store and enter "instagram" in the search box to download and install.


Method 3: Third party applications

Third party applications can also download instagram software, but there are certain risks. It is easy to download malicious software or disclose personal information, so you need to use third-party applications carefully. The specific operation steps are as follows:

Step 1: First, download third-party applications in our mobile app store.

Step 2: Then, open the third-party application and search for "instagram" software.

Step 3: Install the instagram application and set it according to the prompts.

Huawei needs some tips and precautions to download and use Instagram on mobile phones. Through one of the above three methods, you can easily obtain and use Instagram applications. Remember to pay attention to network security and privacy protection at any time to ensure the security of your mobile phone and personal information.

  • This article is written by Published on November 16, 2023 14:58:08
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