Where is the registration portal of steam official website (detailed tutorial of steam account registration)

In this digital era, games have been integrated into our daily life. When it comes to games, we have to mention Steam, one of the largest game platforms in the world. It provides a large number of game libraries, as well as convenient community communication and trading functions. Then, for players who want to join this huge game world, how to register an account on Steam has become the first issue. This article will introduce you to the steps of registering on Steam's official website.


Where is the registration entrance of steam official website

Steam official website: https://store.steampowered.com

Steam account purchase


If you find it troublesome to register, you can directly click on the icon link to buy. All steam accounts sold on this site are downloaded through formal channels. One person has the exclusive right to sell and delete backup information.

Detailed Tutorial of Steam Account Registration

[Step 1: Find the Steam official website registration portal]

First, open your browser and enter Steam's official website: https://store.steampowered.com/ In the upper right corner of the page, you will see a "Join Steam" button. Click this button, and you will be directed to Steam's registration page.


[Step 2: Fill in the registration information]

On the registration page, you need to fill in some basic information. This information includes user name, password, email address and mobile phone number (optional). Please note that the user name and password are required, and the password must contain at least 8 characters, including at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number. After filling in the information, click the "Create My Account" button.


[Step 3: Verify Email]

Steam will send a verification email to the email you filled in. Open your email, find this email, click the link inside, and your account will be created successfully!


[Step 4: Improve account information]

After logging into your Steam account, you will see a welcome page. Here, you can improve your account information, including personal information, avatar, community options, etc. This information can be set according to your preference.

Precautions for steam account registration

1. The email address filled in during registration must be true and valid, so as to receive the registration email sent by steam.

2. The user name and password must be unique and cannot be duplicate with other users.

3. The date of birth must be true and valid to verify the age of the account holder.

4. During the registration process, do not check the "Remember password" option to avoid revealing personal account information.

Through the above steps, we have successfully registered a steam account. Now, you can enjoy the game world on the steam platform! At the same time, you should also pay attention to protecting your account security!

Related reading

How to register a steam account? (Detailed Course of Domestic Registration)

Steam stops registering in China 2022 (perfectly solves the problem of steam account registration)

  • This article is written by Published on November 15, 2023 19:20:35
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