Upgrade Micro Engine Framework version 1.8.2 and 2.0 to the latest patch of 2.0.4

1.8.2 Upgrade to version 2.0.4 Framework Overwrite File Package. Please download the overwrite before upgrading to version 2.0.4, and then click to update. It also applies to upgrading from version 2.0.0 to version 2.0.4

matters needing attention:

1. As the official Microengine 2.0 framework structure has been greatly adjusted, involving the underlying core, we have improved and upgraded the one click update system. To upgrade the 2.0.4 version, you need to manually upload the attachment framework of this post to upload the coverage, and then use the next one click update to update.

2. If the page is blank and cannot be used due to the upgrade, please download the overlay and update again.

3. If the page is misaligned after the update, please clear the browser cache, WeChat likes cache, delete the tpl directory under the data directory, and clear the data in the database table ims_core_cache

4. After the update, the default interface is 1.8.2. Through the site background style setting, select 2.0 to switch the 2.0 interface.

5. After the update, some module icons are not displayed

Application management - hit the corresponding module - basic - module thumbnail - modify
Or enter the database ims_modules, find the logo field of the corresponding module, and add the image path, such as addons/sk_cardsender/icon.jpg.

6. Be sure to back up the database and files before updating.

Since the 2.0.4 version is new, customers who are seeking stability recommend updating it later.
微擎框架 1.8.2 和 2.0 版升级到 2.0.4 最新补丁

Download address

  • This article is written by Published on May 9, 2019 06:24:34
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/2283.html
