How to register for international linkedin? Linkedin download registration tutorial iOS

LinkedIn, As one of the largest professional social networking platforms in the world, it not only plays an important role in career, but also helps users expand their social circle and find potential employers and business partners. Although LinkedIn has different versions around the world, this article will focus on the download and registration tutorial of international LinkedIn, especially for iOS device users.


Features of International LinkedIn

Compared with the domestic version, the international version of LinkedIn has the following characteristics:

1. Broader user groups: LinkedIn's international version has users from all over the world, so you can reach a wider range of professional groups.

2. More abundant functions: In addition to the basic job information display and social functions, LinkedIn International also provides more advanced functions, such as industry report, career trend analysis, etc.

3. More perfect privacy protection: LinkedIn International pays more attention to user privacy protection and provides more perfect privacy setting options.

LinkedIn International iPhone Download Tutorial

preparation in advance

1. One Apple mobile phone

2. One American Apple ID

Since LinkedIn International can only be downloaded in the U.S. AppStore, we need to prepare an American Apple ID account here, log in to the AppStore, and then switch to the U.S.

How can I get Apple ID in the United States? You can register yourself (very difficult), or you can directly purchase a ready-made American Apple ID, and users who need it can buy it from the purchase button below!


Linkedin download and installation steps

1. Open the mobile desktop AppStore.

2. Click the avatar in the upper right corner and pull it to the bottom to exit our login ID.


3. Log in to the prepared American ID and wait for the page to refresh after successful login. When the language is refreshed to English, the store will switch to the American App Store.


4. At this time, you can search "LinkedIn" or "linkedin" in the search box of the App Store, and these keywords can be found. The international version of LinkedIn is downloaded here.


Common problems and solutions of using international LinkedIn

1. Unable to log in to international LinkedIn

If you cannot log in to the international version of LinkedIn, first check whether your network connection is normal and make sure you have switched to the international version of Apple ID. If the problem persists, you can try to clear the app cache or reinstall the app. If none of the above methods can solve the problem, you can contact LinkedIn customer service for help.

2. Unable to add contacts

If you cannot add a contact, you need to make sure that you have obtained the other party's consent and have correctly filled in the other party's name and email address. If the problem still exists, you can try to contact LinkedIn customer service for help.

3. Unable to publish personal updates

If you are unable to publish personal updates, you need to first ensure that your account has passed authentication and has not violated any community regulations. If the problem still exists, you can try to contact LinkedIn customer service for help.


Through the above tutorials, you can successfully download and register the international version of LinkedIn. In the process of use, please observe the community regulations and keep true and accurate information, which will help to enhance your professional image and build credibility. At the same time, please pay attention to protecting personal privacy and information security to avoid disclosing sensitive information or improper operations. I hope this tutorial can help you better use the international version of LinkedIn, and I wish you a smooth career development!

  • This article is written by Published on November 18, 2023 09:46:00
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