163 Free registration entrance official website login (163 official website registration website)

As one of the most widely used free email addresses in China, 163 email is popular among users for its convenience, efficiency and security. Whether in study, work or life, mailbox 163 is an important communication tool for us. It is of great significance to know how to correctly register 163 mailboxes for the protection of our personal information and corporate secrets. This article will introduce in detail the registration entrance of mailbox 163 and the official website registration website.


163 Mailbox registration entrance

The registration entrance of mailbox 163 is very intuitive and convenient.

1. Enter in the browser address bar https://mail.163.com/ , enter the official website of NetEase Email and click the "Register Now" button.

2. Click the "Register Now" button on the homepage of NetEase Email.

163 Email registration steps

1. First, go to the official website of mailbox 163, [official website jump]


2. Click "Register a new account" in the figure,


3. You can select "free mailbox", which is preferred by individual users,


4. You can also choose "VIP mailbox", but there will be a charge,


5. After filling in the information, click "Register Now" to complete the account registration.



Through the introduction of this article, you have successfully mastered the registration method of mailbox 163. 163 Mailbox not only provides convenient mail receiving and sending function, but also has powerful security and personalized settings, making your mail experience more excellent.

In the process of using mailbox 163, there are several important considerations that you should keep in mind:

1. Protect account security: Please ensure that you have set a strong password and change it regularly. Avoid using passwords that are easy to guess, such as birthday, name, etc. At the same time, do not store important information (such as ID number, bank card number, etc.) in the mailbox to prevent account theft.

2. Be alert to spam: 163 mailbox has excellent spam filtering function, but you still need to be alert. If you receive suspicious emails or links, please do not click them easily. If you are not sure whether it is spam, you can mark it as spam to help your mailbox better identify spam.

3. Backup important mail: It is recommended that you backup important mail regularly. This prevents accidental deletion or loss of important messages. You can achieve this by setting up regular backup of mail to the local computer or cloud storage.

4. Handle email attachments with caution: If you receive an email with attachments, please ensure that you trust the sender and confirm that the attachments are safe. Do not open attachments from unknown sources to prevent viruses or malware from infecting your computer.

5. Be careful when subscribing to services: If you choose to subscribe to other services in mailbox 163, please ensure that you trust these services and carefully read the relevant subscription terms. You can choose to unsubscribe or change subscription settings to avoid unnecessary information push or advertising interference.

In short, you can manage personal information and corporate secrets more easily by mastering the registration and use methods of mailbox 163. At the same time, please protect your account security and privacy to avoid unnecessary risks and troubles.

  • This article is written by Published on November 13, 2023 14:12:05
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/22522.html
