Procreate beginner nanny level tutorial, recommended for collection

Procreate is a powerful painting and design application designed for creative professionals and painting enthusiasts at all levels. It is also very convenient to use, and may not be very clear to some novices. The following is a nanny level tutorial for novices to Procreate, to help you quickly master the basic functions and skills of this application.


Procreate beginner nanny level tutorial

STEP.1 Create a new canvas and prepare materials

After opening Procreate, click the "+" in the upper right corner and select "Screen Size"~


Next, click the small wrench in the upper left corner to open the setting menu, and select "Insert Photo".


After creation, drag the exercise material directly onto the canvas to adjust the position and size.


STEP.2 Prepare the brush

Procreate's own brushes are complete and easy to use. You don't have to shout "Give me the brush" in the future!

Then the headmaster recommends two commonly used brushes here. The first one is the "single line brush" in the "calligraphy" category.

This brush is characterized by no pressure (no thickness change), which is very suitable for drawing scratch type frames, perspective lines, etc~


The second recommended brush is the "studio brush" in the "inking" category. This brush is pressure sensitive. It's very good for drawing lines and coloring!


If you think the brush is not thick or thin enough, you can tap the brush to enter the brush settings, and then click the "Properties" menu to adjust the "Maximum Size" and "Minimum Size".


STEP. 3 Familiarity with gesture operation

Of course, the advantage of the tablet is touch operation. Using different gesture functions can make painting practice more effective with less effort!

Here we list the four most common gesture operations:

★ Long press of one finger on the screen: color absorption

★ Two fingers tap the screen: withdraw

★ Three fingers tap the screen: restore

★ Tap the screen with four fingers: switch to full screen mode

how? Is it easy to remember?

STEP.4 Layer operation

Separating layers is very important in board drawing, otherwise tears will flow down the moment the eraser goes down TAT


Click the square icon in the upper right corner of the screen to set the layer interface. Click the "+" sign to create a new layer!


At the same time, you can also press and drag the layer for a long time to adjust the up and down order of the layer. You can also call up the setting submenu by clicking the layer. There are operations such as renaming, copying, and merging.

STEP.5 Overlay inspection

For students at the initiation stage, the overlay check is also a common self check method. How is it operated in Procreate?


After copying the grasping box, make sure that the currently selected layer is the layer of the copying box, and then select the "arrow" icon in the upper left corner.


At this time, the whole layer is selected, and then you can directly drag the copied layer to the original image for error check~!


Other tips and advice

1. Practice more: Painting needs time and practice to improve. Spend more time practicing and trying different brushes and effects.

2. Watch the tutorials: watch the tutorials and videos of other artists and designers to learn their skills and creative ideas.

3. Reference photos or objects: Using photos or objects as references can help you better capture details and forms.

4. Try different brushes and papers: Try different brushes and papers to bring different textures and styles to your works.

5. Adjust the color and brightness: By adjusting the color and brightness, you can make your work more vivid and layered.

6. Understand the mixing mode: the mixing mode can affect the interaction between colors, and understanding different mixing modes can let you better control the color effect.

7. Use layer mask: use layer mask to protect the color of specific areas, and create more complex and interesting visual effects.

8. Mastering shortcut keys: Mastering shortcut keys can help you complete operations more quickly and improve efficiency.

9. Make good use of undo and redo functions: If you make a mistake, don't worry. Undo and redo functions can help you go back to the previous steps and start again.

10. Keep creative enthusiasm: creation requires inspiration and enthusiasm, and maintaining your love and interest in painting can enable you to create more excellent works.

In short, Procreate is a powerful painting and design application. By mastering the basic interface, creating a new canvas, selecting brush tools, using brush tools to paint, exporting works, and other skills and suggestions, you can quickly become a skilled user of Procreate and create amazing works.

  • This article is written by Published on November 11, 2023 09:47:00
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