How to download the self service app? Download and use self-service apps

The self employment app is a mobile application designed for people engaged in specific occupations, which provides a series of convenient functions, including online registration, examination reminder, online consultation, online learning, etc. This app can help professionals better manage their career, improve work efficiency and career development.


Features of self service app

1. Convenient and fast: It can be accessed and used anytime and anywhere, regardless of time and place.

2. Comprehensive functions: covering all aspects of the daily work of professionals, including online registration, examination reminder, online consultation, online learning, etc.

3. Personalized customization: Users can customize according to their needs and preferences, including reminder time, reminder content, etc.

4. Real time update: The application will be updated in real time to provide the latest information and functions.

5. Safe and reliable: advanced encryption technology is adopted to ensure user information security.

Self service app download

1. Open the app store

First, you need to open the app store of your phone. If you use an Apple phone, you can open the App Store; If you are using an Android phone, you can open Google Play.

2. Search the self service app

In the app store, you can search "Self service app for employment". If you use an Apple phone, you can directly enter "Self service app for employment" in the search box; If you use an Android phone, you can enter "Career Self service App" or "Career Self service App" in the search box.

3. Download the self service app

When you find the self service app, you can select the appropriate version to download according to your phone model and operating system. If you use an Apple phone, you can directly click the "Get" button to download; If you use an Android phone, you can select the "Install" button to download.

Self service app use

1. Registered account

After downloading, you need to register an account to use the app. On the login page of the app, you can click the "Register" button, and then follow the prompts to enter your email address, password and other information to register.

2. Login account

After registration, you can use the registered account and password to log in to the app. On the login page of the app, enter your account and password, and then click the "Login" button.

3. Use app function

After logging in, you can use various functions of the app, such as online learning, exam registration, score query, certificate application, etc. Specific usage methods can be viewed and used according to different functions.

4. Exit the account

If you need to exit the account, you can select "Settings" in the bottom menu bar of the app, and then click the "Exit Account" button.


As a mobile application specially designed for people engaged in specific occupations, the self employment app has very practical functions and features, and can meet the needs of professionals in their daily work. At the same time, its personalized customization and safe and reliable guarantee also make users feel more secure and comfortable in the use process. I believe that this application will become a useful assistant for more and more professionals.

  • This article is written by Published on November 10, 2023 10:28:25
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