Steam is opened, being updated, and then disappeared (quick solution)

In the era of increasing popularity of digitalization, our computers are often equipped with a variety of software, and Steam, as one of the world's largest game platforms, is deeply loved by the majority of players. However, sometimes we encounter a problem: Steam is being updated when it is opened, but it disappears after the update is completed, which troubles us very much. This article will reveal the causes of this problem and provide solutions.


Steam opens the reason why it is being updated and then disappeared

Network problem: When Steam is being updated, network fluctuations or interruptions may cause the update to fail, which may cause Steam to fail to open normally.

Insufficient hard disk space: If the hard disk space is insufficient, Steam cannot download the update file completely, which will also cause update failure.

Automatic update settings: If the automatic update settings are disabled or the wrong options are selected during the update, Steam may not be able to update and open normally.

Steam account purchase


If you don't have a steam account, you can directly click the icon link to buy it. All steam accounts sold by this site are downloaded through formal channels, and are exclusive to one person. Backup information is deleted when sold.

Steam has been stuck updating solutions

Solution 1: Delete the specified file

The problem that steam has been stuck in updating may be caused by an exception in the local steam file. Players can open the steam package folder, back up all files in this folder, and then delete them directly to see if the problem can be solved.


Solution 2: Use scientific online tools

Steam can be updated only when it is connected to the network normally. Players cannot connect to the steam network when they are directly connected to the Internet. They may encounter the problem that steam is stuck updating all the time. You can use scientific online tools to optimize the network.


Solution 3: Reset the computer network

The abnormal computer network may also cause the problem that steam is always stuck in updating. You can reset the computer network to see if it can be solved.


Steam FAQ Summary

cannot connect : If you cannot connect, you need to first troubleshoot the network connection problem. Try restarting the router, connecting to other available networks, or connecting to scientific Internet tools, and confirm that the network connection is normal. If the network connection is normal, but Steam still cannot connect, you can try to modify Steam startup parameters, clear Steam's network cache, close the firewall, or add Steam to the whitelist.

Library directory black screen problem : Encountered a black screen problem in the library directory, possibly because the file in the Steam directory is missing. You can try to update the script displayed in the library directory, rename the directory G: Program Files (x86) Steam teamui libraries to any other directory, and then restart Steam.

Unable to download : When Steam client fails to download the game, it may be due to insufficient disk space or improper download area settings. You can try to clear the disk space, change the download area setting, or reinstall the Steam client to solve the problem.

Game Flash Back : Encountered a game flash back problem, possibly because the game file is incomplete or incompatible with the system. Try reinstalling the game, updating the graphics card driver, or upgrading the system to solve the problem.

Unable to recharge : When Steam client fails to recharge, it may be due to improper payment method settings or network problems. You can try to change the payment method, check the network connection or contact customer service to solve the problem.

I hope the methods in this article can help you quickly solve the problem of Steam and regain the fun of playing on Steam. At the same time, we also suggest to regularly check and update the software version in daily use to ensure the stability and security of the software.

  • This article is written by Published on November 9, 2023 18:04:11
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