How does Google Advertising Alliance make money?

1. How to apply for Google Advertising Alliance?

2. What are the prospects for Google Advertising Alliance to make money?


The main way for both domestic and foreign webmasters to make profits is through advertising. Joining the advertising alliance is the first choice for many webmasters, mainly because the search engine company has guaranteed strength, so there is no need to worry about making money and not paying, and if your website has stable traffic, the revenue of the advertising alliance is still stable, Many webmasters make their fortune through advertising alliances. Google is the world's largest search engine and the largest online media company. Its users involve various countries and regions. Its huge user base is not comparable to other search engines. Its advertising alliance is the first choice of all webmasters. I still remember that before Google withdrew from the mainland, the domestic webmasters were all Google Alliance to make profits, and Baidu was not as popular as it is now. It is said that Google withdrew from the mainland also because of Baidu, the specific reason why you are interested in searching can be explained here. I really can't imagine that if Google did not withdraw, What is Baidu's position in the domestic search engine market? In fact, there is another biggest reason why webmasters like Google. Google search engine is used all over the world. No matter you are a Chinese station, an English station, or even a small language website, you can apply for Google Advertising Alliance. Advertisements will be accurately matched according to the content of the website, which also enables webmasters to maximize the number of clicks, And the click price can be said to be the highest in the search alliance, especially the English website. Isn't it pleasing? Add that although Google has withdrawn from the mainland, its official website cannot be opened in China, but its advertising business is still going on normally, and its headquarters in China are also in Zhongguancun. Don't worry about this.

Google 广告联盟怎样赚钱?

Another reason why Google is only famous is that it has powerful anti cheating technology for search engines. If you want to take chances, you should give up as soon as possible, because you have no chance of winning against dozens of Google engineers alone. If you want to join Google Alliance, you must have a website, not just a website, and after you submit your application, Google will conduct a comprehensive review of your website, including whether the website content is suitable, the operation time of the website domain name, whether there is infringement information, etc. If the website does not meet the standards, it will not pass, and when the website meets the standards, Google's team will reply to an email notification. From here, Google's review rules are relatively strict, there is a certain threshold, and we do not want to have some domestic alliances, As long as the website is filed, the application can be passed. In fact, this is a manifestation of the vulnerability. The first reason why Google has set such a high threshold is to consider the webmaster. When your website really has value, you can gain profits by joining the advertising alliance, and it is stable for a long time. For the search engine itself, it filters who want to cheat.


But I remind you that if you really want to make money through the search engine advertising alliance, it is recommended to do a good job of website content, because now website optimization is no longer but keyword ranking, your website has more content that provides value for users, users stay longer on your website, and the higher the viscosity between the website and users, It shows that your website is a website that can make users like it, so the advertising and content will be more closely matched, and the number of clicks will increase as well. If you only do it by ranking, even if you make the website the home page of the search engine, but users can't find the content they need when they enter the website, then users will leave the website, with a high bounce rate, not to mention a high advertising click through rate, and then their income will not be much.

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