Share apple id in the United States (free and valid US area id)

In today's digital era, Apple ID has become an indispensable part of our life. It not only carries our personal information, but also connects countless applications, games and network services. Having an Apple ID in the United States means that you can access the world's richest application resources. To help friends who can't download Apple ID independently, this article will share the finished American ID account.

共享apple id美国(免费有效美区id)

Share apple id America

first group

account number:

Password: Bz445522

Group II

account number:

Password: Cv773344

Group 3

account number:

Password: Dw991166

Exclusive account

共享apple id美国(免费有效美区id)

Although the shared Apple account can help you download the applications or games you need, using the shared account is not a long-term solution. If you have a friend who has used Apple account for a long time, you can directly click the icon link to purchase an exclusive ID account, which is more convenient for one person to use!

US Apple ID account login steps

Apple ID in the US is only available in the Apple store. Please do not log in to iCloud

1 Exit the current account and enter the password of the shared account

2 If an Apple ID security problem prompt appears, click other options, and then click Don't Upgrade!

The above login is successful.

matters needing attention

1. Important tips! When using a shared Apple ID account, you must not log in to iCloud, otherwise your phone's functions will be limited, and you can only view and not operate.

2. For these shared accounts, please do not modify any internal information of the account, follow the rules of use, and try to ensure the long-term use of the account.

3. The purpose of the shared account is to provide free software download, so please do not recharge your account. If you need to recharge, please choose to purchase a personal exclusive account.

4. After using the shared account, please exit as soon as possible to avoid causing problems for other users.

Advantages of Apple ID in the United States

Rich application resources: The United States has the world's richest application resources, from social media to education and learning, from entertainment games to health sports, all kinds of applications.

Unique game experience: The game library in the United States contains many internationally famous games, and the playing methods and contents of these games will bring you a new game experience.

Give priority to new functions: As the holder of Apple ID in the United States, you will have the opportunity to give priority to new functions and products, and feel the charm of technology first.

Convenient shopping experience: With Apple ID in the U.S., you can directly purchase digital products and services in the iTunes Store and App Store in the U.S. without switching currencies or payment methods.

In general, owning an Apple ID in the United States will bring infinite possibilities to your digital life. Let's start a new technological journey together!

Related reading

Latest free overseas Apple ID account (verified and available)

2023 The latest Apple US ID sharing is not locked (updated daily)

  • This article is written by Published on November 8, 2023 19:15:39
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