To solve the problem that Google account registration cannot be verified, successfully registered Google account tutorial

In the vast ocean of the Internet, Google account has become an indispensable part of our daily life. However, in the process of registering Google account, many users will encounter the problem that the mobile phone cannot be verified, which often makes people feel puzzled. Today, we will reveal how to solve this problem and help you successfully register your Google account. Please continue reading and master this skill to make your digital life more convenient!


Why register a Google account

Access to more services: Google accounts support multiple languages and countries/regions, which can help cross-border e-commerce better serve global customers. For example, Google search can automatically identify users' language and location, display relevant search results and advertisements, and make cross-border e-commerce more accessible to global customers.

Cross device synchronization: Google accounts can help cross-border e-commerce businesses synchronize data and settings on multiple devices, such as contacts, calendars, memoranda and other information, making it easier for cross-border e-commerce businesses to manage multiple multinational customers and transactions.

Use of Google advertising platform: Google account can enable cross-border e-commerce to use Google advertising platform for global online advertising, helping enterprises find target customers more accurately and promote sales. By using Google's advertising platform, cross-border e-commerce can formulate advertising strategies based on different geographical locations, languages, interests, behaviors and other factors to improve the conversion rate and effect of advertising.

Enjoy Internet resources: Register a Google account to enjoy many resources on the Internet, such as Google AdSense and Google Alerts.

Exclusive Google


If you feel that it is too troublesome to register, you can click the link to buy a finished Google account, register in a formal channel, and sell it to delete the backup information immediately. It is absolutely safe to sell it again. Because YouTube was acquired by Google, you can also use YouTube as long as you have a Google account.

Successfully registered Google account tutorial

1. Open the official website registration

Open the browser, enter the official website website, open the registration interface, enter the name, and click Next


Enter the basic information and click Next

Tips: Be sure to be over 18 years old, or some functions may not work


Enter a custom email address and click Next


Set the password and click Next


Select China, enter the mobile phone number, obtain the verification code, and click Next


Some people here may receive this prompt, and this phone number cannot be used for verification


2. Abnormal problem solving

Solution (choose one):

1) Switch VPN;

2) Change the mobile phone number;

3) Purchase temporary overseas mobile phone number

After obtaining the verification code, enter the verification code and click Next


3. Add Secondary Mailbox

It is OK to enter an email address that is currently in normal use, such as QQ or 163, and click Next.


Then you will go to Add Phone Number, because the demo here uses a foreign number, it will not be added. Click "Skip" directly


4. Registration succeeded

Then the registration was successful


A privacy clause will pop up and click "I agree"


Automatically jump to the following interface


Click Security on the left, and click Auxiliary Mailbox


Enter the verification code received by the auxiliary mailbox, and click Verification to complete the binding of the auxiliary mailbox. In case of any abnormality in the Google account, you can also use this auxiliary mailbox to process.


Above, you will have your own Google account~

matters needing attention

User name selection: User name is the only identification in your Google account, so you need to choose a user name that is easy to remember and not easy to be guessed by others. At the same time, pay attention to the length and character type of the user name. Google requires that the user name be between 6 and 30 characters long, and can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.

Pay attention to the security of the account: After the registration is completed, it is recommended to enable the dual authentication function immediately to protect the security of the account. At the same time, do not easily disclose personal information to others to avoid account abuse or fraud.

In general, registering a Google account can provide more access rights and services, facilitating cross-border e-commerce to better serve global customers and improve work efficiency. At the same time, it can also improve the advertising effect and protect the account security. Friends who do not have a Google account can register one. Friends who feel too troublesome can also directly purchase a finished product account.

Related reading

Google gmail email phone number cannot be verified? (Latest solution)

How to register a US Google account? (Google registration tutorial in America)

  • This article is written by Published on November 12, 2023 09:22:00
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: , please keep the link of this article for reprinting:
