Web page entry of computer version of Youku official website (login method of Youku official website)

Youku is one of China's leading online video platforms, providing a wide range of video content, including films, TV dramas, variety shows, documentaries, etc. Users can watch various types of video content on the official Youku website, and can log in, comment, share and other operations. However, some partners don't know how to log in to the web version, so the following editor will introduce the computer version web portal of Youku official website and the login method of Youku official website to help users better use the Youku platform.

1、 Web page entry of Youku official website computer version

To access the computer version of Youku official website, users need to open the browser first, and then enter the website address of Youku official website in the address bar: https://www.youku.com/ Then, users will see the official homepage of Youku platform, where they can browse various types of video content. If you have already registered your Youku account, you can directly click the "Login" button at the top right corner of the page to enter the login page.


2、 Login method of Youku official website

Users can enter their own account and password directly on the login page of Youku official website, and then click the "Login" button. If the user has forgotten his/her password, he/she can retrieve it through the email or mobile phone number filled in during registration.


If a user logs in to Youku platform using a third-party account such as QQ and WeChat, he or she can select the corresponding button on the login page to log in. After these third-party accounts are bound to Youku accounts, users can directly use these accounts to log in to Youku platform.


If the user logs in to Youku platform with a mobile phone number, he/she needs to enter his/her mobile phone number and verification code on the login page, and then log in. If you have not registered a Youku account, you can quickly register a new account with your mobile phone number to log in.

If the user logs in to Youku via email, he/she needs to enter the email address and verification code on the login page, and then log in. If the user has not registered a Youku account, he or she can quickly register a new account by using the email to log in.

It should be noted that when you log in to Youku platform, you need to ensure that the network connection is stable, otherwise you may fail to log in. At the same time, it is also necessary to protect the security of your account and password to avoid being embezzled or abused by others. If you find your account has been stolen or abused, you should immediately contact Youku customer service for handling.

This is to introduce the computer version web portal and login method of Youku official website to help users better use Youku platform. Users can view various types of video content, interact with other users, comment, share and other operations by accessing the computer version webpage of Youku official website and logging into Youku platform. In the process of use, users need to pay attention to protecting their own account and password security to avoid being embezzled or abused by others. At the same time, it is also necessary to observe relevant laws, regulations and provisions and maintain a good network environment.

  • This article is written by Published on November 6, 2023 16:40:39
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/21337.html
