How to watch twitter live broadcast in China, and how to watch twitter live broadcast in China

Twitch is the world's largest live game platform, with millions of active users and tens of millions of independent viewers. It is an online live video platform, focusing on real-time interaction of game players. On this platform, players can watch other people's live games and share their own game experience and skills. Do you know how to watch the live broadcast of Twitter in China?


Why watch the live broadcast of Twitch in China?

There are many advantages to watching the live broadcast of Twitch in China. First of all, the live games on Twitch are very rich, including various types of games, such as e-sports, role playing, strategy games, puzzle games, etc. You can find your favorite game types and watch the live broadcast of professional game players. Secondly, the live broadcast on Twitch is interactive in real time. You can communicate with other audiences and even interact with the anchor. This interactive experience allows you to learn more about the game and make new friends. Finally, Twitch Live can also help you improve your game skills. By watching the live broadcast of other players, you can learn some practical game skills and strategies, which will greatly help your game level.

Domestic viewing process of twitter live broadcast platform

If we want to watch twitter live broadcast in China normally, we need to solve these problems in turn: first, the network, second, twitter software download, and third, twitter account registration. After these three problems are solved, you can watch twitter freely. Let's see how to solve these problems:

1、 Network

Twitter is a foreign software, which cannot be viewed in our country. You need to prepare Internet tools to successfully access it. Scientific Internet tools can connect to the international network, and access to Twitter is unimpeded.

2、 Twitch software download

Android twitter download:

Android users who want to download twitter need to download it in Google Play Google Store, the world's largest Android application market, where the software is very complete, including twitter. Our domestic app stores are not available on Twitter, so we need to download it through foreign stores.

Apple version twitter download:

It is easier for Apple users to download twitter. We need to prepare an Apple ID in the US area, and then we can successfully go to the Apple Store in the US area through the Apple ID in the US area. We can successfully download twitter only through the Apple Store in the US area.

How did Apple ID come from Meiqu? You can go to Apple's official website to register an American ID by yourself. If you are troublesome, you can buy an American Apple ID or a finished product ID.

Exclusive account


Friends who need to use the external Apple ID can directly click the icon link to purchase an exclusive ID account. The regular platform download is 100% secure. Once sold, the backup information will be deleted immediately, without repeated sales.

Download steps of twitter:

Step 1: First, open the Apple Store in the app store, click the avatar in the upper right corner and drag it down to the bottom, then click the "Exit Login" button, so that we can successfully exit our domestic Apple ID.

Step 2: Then, enter the password of the Apple ID account in the US, click the "Login" button, and select "Other Options" and "No Upgrade" to skip the dual authentication.


Step 3: Wait for the page to refresh. When the language changes to English, it means that we have successfully switched to the Apple Store in the US. Enter "twitter" in the search box and click Get.


3、 Twitter account registration

Above all, we have solved the problem of network and downloading twitter. Now we need a twitter account to log in and use it! Let's take a look at the detailed process of registering a twitter account in China:

Step 1: Open the browser, enter the official website of twitter:, and click the "Register" button in the upper right corner.


Step 2: Now enter the user name and password you want to register, and click the "Next" button.


Step 3: Then bind the mobile phone number, select+86 to add your mobile phone number, and click the "Next" button.


Step 4: If you want to register by email, you can do it by domestic QQ email. After filling it in, click the "Next" button.


Step 5: Choose the date of birth. It is best to be older than adults, otherwise some content cannot be viewed.


Step 6: Now you need to verify your email, and enter it in the box after receiving the verification code.


Step 7: Now we have successfully registered a twitter account, and you can experience it!


matters needing attention

1. It is necessary to maintain a good network environment for watching live TV in China. If the network is unstable or slow, it may lead to poor viewing experience. Therefore, it is recommended that you watch the live Twitch in a good network environment.

2. It should be noted that since Twitch is a foreign platform, it may encounter some language and cultural differences when using it. If you encounter difficulties or need help, you can try to seek help on the official website or community forum of Twitch.

In short, watching the live broadcast of Twitch in China can give you a rich gaming experience and social experience. By watching live broadcast, participating in interaction, learning game skills, discovering new games and anchors, you can better integrate into the culture of the Twitch community. At the same time, you also need to pay attention to civilized words and deeds, respect other audiences and anchors, and jointly create a harmonious and friendly community atmosphere.

  • This article is written by Published on November 11, 2023 09:12:00
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