How to use testlight, a reliable guide to using testlight

TestFlight is a tool launched by Apple for testing and distributing iOS, iPadOS and tvOS applications. It allows developers to easily send their applications to testers for beta testing and feedback collection. At the same time, ordinary users can also access some of the latest applications being tested through the TestFlight platform. Let's see how testlight works?


How to use testlight

First, open the phone, as shown in the figure, and download "testlight".


Step 2, as shown in the figure, enter testlight, click "iTunes User", and add "Tester".


Step 3: click to enter "Users and Functions", and click to add "Users".


Step 4, as shown in the figure, fill in the personal information in the following "User Information" truthfully.


Step 5: complete the information verification, click to add "function", and limit some apps according to personal circumstances.


Step 6: After the information is complete and correct, click Send Email.


Precautions for using TestFlight

When using TestFlight for application testing, please pay attention to the following points:

1. Make sure you get the TestFlight invitation code from a trusted source and confirm the validity of the invitation code. Avoid using illegal or untrusted invitation codes to avoid security risks and adverse consequences.

2. Before using TestFlight, please read the instructions and precautions provided by the developer carefully to ensure that the test tool is used correctly. If you have any questions or problems, please contact the developer for help.

3. Please protect personal privacy and device security during the test. Do not share or disclose personal information, such as mobile phone number, email address, etc. without authorization. At the same time, be cautious about sensitive operations or data in beta applications to avoid potential risks.

4. If you encounter any problems or doubts, please contact the developer or the official TestFlight support team in a timely manner. They will provide you with help and support to ensure that your testing experience is smooth and safe.

5. Please respect the labor achievements and intellectual property rights of developers. During the test, do not maliciously attack, tamper with or use the application without authorization. If you have any suggestions or feedback on the application, please communicate with the developers through formal channels so that they can better improve and perfect the application.

6. Finally, please remember that TestFlight is only used for testing purposes, and officially released applications may need more optimization and improvement. If you are interested in an application, please wait for its official release before downloading and using it to ensure that you get the best user experience.


TestFlight is a convenient and reliable application testing tool, which can help developers conduct beta testing, and also give users the opportunity to experience applications before official release. When using TestFlight, please pay attention to protecting personal privacy and device security, respect the developer's labor achievements and intellectual property rights, and wait for the official release of the application to obtain the best user experience. I hope the above content can help you better understand and use the TestFlight tool.

  • This article is written by Published on November 11, 2023 09:05:00
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