Zhixue website webpage link (Zhixue website portal)

Zhixue.com is an online homework platform launched by iFLYTEK for school daily homework, examination and developmental teaching and learning evaluation. It aims to provide users with more simple and easy-to-use online homework tools and learning platforms. This article will introduce the web page links and features of the Zhixue website, to help you better understand and use this online learning platform.


Zhixue Website

Zhixue website website address: https://www.zhixue.com/login.html

Login steps

enter one user name

In the user login interface, enter the user name.


Input password

After entering the user name, enter the password.


Click Login

After entering the password, click Login.


Features of Zhixue website

Online homework platform: Zhixue Network provides one-stop online homework solutions, covering homework content of various disciplines and grades. Users can select the corresponding job content according to their own needs, and complete and submit the job online. At the same time, the system can also automatically correct, count and evaluate homework, and improve the working efficiency of teachers and the learning effect of students.

Personalized learning recommendation: Wisdom Web uses big data and AI technology to comprehensively analyze students' learning situation and ability. According to the characteristics and needs of students, the system can recommend appropriate learning resources and courses to help students better master knowledge and skills.

Diversified learning resources: Zhixue provides rich learning resources, including various subject courseware, online video courses, interactive learning tools, etc. These resources have various forms, which can meet the learning needs and interests of different students and improve their learning enthusiasm and autonomy.

Interactive learning community: Zhixue also provides an interactive learning community where students can interact with other students and share their learning experiences and experiences. At the same time, the system also supports online tests, discussion areas, questions and answers and other functions, which facilitate students to conduct self-evaluation and solve learning problems.

Powerful management function: Wisdom Network not only provides services for students, but also provides powerful management functions for schools and educational institutions. The school can comprehensively monitor and manage students' learning through the Wisdom Network, and timely grasp students' learning progress and problems; At the same time, it can also evaluate and feedback the teaching effect of teachers, and improve the teaching quality and level.

Data visualization report: The data analysis function of Wisdom Web is very powerful, which can conduct in-depth mining and analysis of students' learning behavior and achievements. Through the data visualization report, students and teachers can clearly understand the learning situation and progress trend of students, and provide strong reference and support for subsequent learning and teaching.

Safe and reliable: Zhixue.com attaches great importance to user data security and privacy protection. A number of security technologies and measures have been adopted to ensure the security and reliability of user data. At the same time, Zhixue Network has also obtained a number of certifications and authorizations, such as ISO27001 information security management system certification and the Ministry of Public Security's three-level network security protection certification.

In short, as an online learning platform and educational informatization solution provider, the Zhixue official website has many unique features and advantages. Through its rich functions and services, it provides a comprehensive and personalized learning and management platform for students, teachers and schools. I hope this article can help you better understand and use the Zhixue website, and bring more convenience and benefits to your study and work!

  • This article is written by Published on November 4, 2023 09:57:00
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