Download web version of qq mailbox (download mobile version of qq mailbox)

QQ mailbox is the one we are most familiar with, and our daily work is inseparable. Of course, there is a web version of QQ mailbox, which can make people work faster when they use computers. Of course, there are also. Many users want to be able to download and use QQ mailbox on their mobile phones, which will make it easier to process files. The following editor will tell you how to download the mobile version of the mailbox, to help you easily master how to download and use the mobile version of QQ mailbox.

Download from QQ email official website

Open the browser and enter in the address bar“ ”, enter the official website of QQ mailbox.


On the top right corner of the website home page, find the "Mobile Download" option, and click to enter the download page.


Select the corresponding version to download according to your phone's operating system. At present, the mobile version of QQ Email supports Android, iOS, Windows Phone and other operating systems.


Click the download button, wait for the download to complete, and then follow the prompts to install.

Mobile download

Download mode

Store Download

For most smart phones, you can search for "QQ mailbox" in the phone's app store and click Download to install. Take the Apple App Store as an example, you can download it according to the following steps:

Open "App Store", enter "QQ mailbox" in the search box, and find the corresponding application.


Click the "Get" button and wait for the download to complete.

After the installation is completed, you can find the icon of QQ mailbox on the mobile phone desktop and click to enter.



In order to let you better master the use skills of QQ email mobile version, the following are some suggestions and precautions:

Quick search of address book: When using the address book function, you can quickly search the contact information through the search box. Just enter keywords in the search box, and the system will automatically match the relevant contact information.

Quick Send Mail: In the inbox or main interface, press and hold an email subject or attachment to select "Quick Reply" or "Forward" email. This allows you to complete the mail sending operation more quickly.

Set Importance Level: When sending an email, you can set the importance level of the email to remind the recipient to check. Relevant setting options can be found in the interface of editing email.

Turn on push notification: In order not to miss any important email or event reminder, it is recommended that you turn on push notification. In this way, once a new email or important event occurs, the system will automatically push it to your mobile notification bar.

  • This article is written by Published on November 2, 2023 14:40:11
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