The complete set of ps video tutorials is a must for ps beginners

In this era of visual images, Photoshop has become an essential tool for designers, photographers and other creative workers. For beginners, it is very important to understand the PS beginner tutorial and master the necessary knowledge. So this article will introduce you to the knowledge about ps, and embark on the learning journey of Photoshop, so that you can easily master the basic operations and expand your creative space.


1、 Overview of PS Novice Tutorial

The PS Beginner Tutorial is designed to help beginners understand the basic functions, operation methods and application fields of Photoshop. By learning basic knowledge, you will master key concepts such as selection area, layer, mask, filter, and learn how to adjust, decorate, and synthesize images. In addition, this tutorial will introduce some commonly used shortcut keys and operating skills to help you improve your work efficiency.

2、 Essential knowledge points for PS beginners

Selection area: selection area is a very important concept in Photoshop, which allows you to select specific areas of the image for operation. By mastering different types of selection areas and corresponding operations, you can easily achieve accurate image selection and clipping.

Fill: Learn to use fill tools to quickly add color or pattern to an image. By adjusting the fill attributes, you can also achieve gradient fill, texture fill and other effects to enrich your design works.

Text editing: Photoshop has a rich built-in text editing function, which allows you to easily design text effects of various styles. Learning how to add text layers, adjust font style and size, and change text color will add more creative elements to your design.

Layer: Layer is one of the core concepts of Photoshop, which allows you to decompose the image into different elements for editing. By creating, hiding, locking layers, and adjusting the order of layers, you can achieve complex image synthesis effects.

Mask: A mask is a tool used to control the visibility of a layer. It allows you to hide or show specific parts of a layer. Mastering the use of mask will make you more comfortable in the process of image synthesis and decoration.

Filters: Photoshop provides a large number of filters that allow you to perform various special effects on images. By learning the characteristics and application scenarios of different filters, you can add rich visual effects to the image, such as blurring, sharpening, distortion, etc.

Shortcut keys: Being familiar with commonly used shortcut keys will greatly improve your work efficiency in Photoshop. This tutorial will introduce some common shortcut keys and their usage methods to help you complete the operation faster.

Document management: Learning to manage documents reasonably is a basic skill that every designer must master. This tutorial will teach you how to create, save, import and export files to keep your work area clean and efficient.

3、 The most basic PS operation skills

1. Open the top toolbar of PS, select a file - Open it

2. Double click the panel with the left mouse button

3. Shortcut key Ctrl+O

4. Drag desktop materials directly into ps


Most of the time, when we finish repairing drawings in PS, some color differences will appear when we import them to mobile phones or other devices. The solution is that we can make some settings on PS before repairing drawings:


Operation method: select "Edit" ->Color setting in the menu bar; Among the adjustment options: RGB option: SRGBIEC61966-2.1; RGB selection of color management: switch to working RGB

JPG format: conventional image saving format, easy to use, and occupies the smallest memory

PNG format: it refers to the image format with transparent background

PSD format: the source file of PS, which will save the layer you edited in PS for editing again next time

TIFF format: uncompressed pictures, generally used for ink-jet, printing and other occasions

Format size: PSD>TIFF>PNG>JPG

Fill the layer with foreground color: Alt+Delete

Fill the layer with background color: Ctrl+Delete

1. Stain repair brush tool: directly smear the defect to repair the stain

2. Fix brush tool: need to hold Alt to sample

3. Patch tool: matches the texture, light and shadow of the sample pixel with the source pixel

Source: the patched object is the currently selected area;

Operation method: first select the area to be patched, and then drag the selection to the area for patching

Brush tool:


Alt+right mouse button, move the mouse left and right in the panel to change the size of the brush; Move the mouse up and down to change the feather value of the brush;

Historical record brush can achieve the effect of skin grinding

Operation method: import a material photo ->ctrl+J copy the layer ->select the filter in the toolbar ->Blur ->Gaussian Blur ->select the history record and tick the box before the adjustment of Gaussian Blur ->go back to the previous layer ->select the history record brush to smear the face of the figure ->At this time, the face of the person or object achieves the effect of skin grinding, while other places are still clear.

Through the above brief introduction, you can learn the basic knowledge about Ps, so if you are interested and need, you can pay more attention to this site. There are many other contents of ps content that you can learn, and the most important thing is to do it yourself. Not only do you need to understand these knowledge, but also you need to operate to remember more.

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