How to use Google Authenticator, super detailed use tutorial of Google Authenticator

In the digital era, account security has attracted more and more attention. In order to protect their accounts from being stolen by others, many platforms have introduced the authentication function. Among them, Google Authenticator is a very popular authentication tool. Based on time synchronization technology, it provides users with a simple, safe and fast authentication method. So how to use Google authenticator? This article will introduce the use of Google Authentication in detail, so that you can easily master this practical tool.


Get to know Google Authenticator

What is Google Authenticator?

Google Authenticator is a security tool launched by Google to provide more powerful protection for online accounts. It ensures the accuracy of login information and effectively prevents hacker intrusion by generating a one-time verification code.

Why use Google Authenticator?

Using Google Authentication can greatly improve the security of your account and prevent hackers from invading your account by guessing passwords and other means. At the same time, it can also help you synchronize login information between multiple devices, making the login process more convenient.

Exclusive Google


Friends who need to use a Google account can click the link to buy a finished Google account, register in a formal channel, sell and delete the backup information immediately, never sell again, and it is absolutely safe. Because YouTube is acquired by Google, so as long as you have a Google account, you can also use YouTube

How does Google Authenticator work?

The first stage - users enable Google Authenticator


The second stage - the user logs in using the authenticator


How to use Google authenticator

1. Use the mobile browser or search for "" or "Google Authenticator" in the App Store to download and install.

2. Open the installed software, click [Start] to proceed to the next step, and enter the account to be added;


3. There are two ways to add an account:

① Click [Scan Code] to directly scan the QR code on the page to add it;

② Click [Enter the provided key] to manually add your account name and enter the key.


(Note: QR code and key can be viewed on the platform homepage - My Finance - Security Settings - Google Authenticator Binding - Enable Google Authentication Now), as shown below


4. After successful addition, the 6-digit number and account name will be displayed (the 6-digit number is a one-time Google verification code);


5. As shown in the figure below, after entering the "Google verification code" and other verification information, Google's number cannot be used for verification. Click "Enable Google verification" to successfully bind.


2. How to install and use Google Authentication for APP:

1. Use the mobile browser or search for "" or "Google Authenticator" in the App Store to download and install.

2. Open the installed software, click [Start] to proceed to the next step. Google cannot use this number for verification, and input to add an account;


3. There are two ways to add an account. Select [Enter the provided key] to add it;


4. As shown in the figure below, enter the account name and secret key, and click "Add";


(Note: "Secret key" can be viewed on the APP Personal User Center - Security Center - Authentication page, and click "Copy")


5. After successful addition, the 6-digit number and account name will be displayed (the 6-digit number is a one-time Google verification code);


6. Open the APP again, enter the User Center Security Center Authentication page, as shown in the following figure, enter the "Google Authentication Code", wait for the authentication information, and click "Enable Authentication" to bind successfully.


In order to ensure account security, we should not only learn to use tools such as Google ID, but also maintain good Internet habits, not easily disclose personal information, and avoid using weak passwords. Only by strengthening protective measures in many ways can we live more safely in this digital age!

  • This article is written by Published on October 27, 2023 17:41:28
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