How does Apple change its ID account? The most detailed steps of the whole network

In the digital world, Apple has won the favor of global users with its outstanding technology products and services. When using Apple devices, an important concept is "Apple ID", which is not only used to log in and verify the user's identity, but also involves many aspects such as the use rights of the device, data synchronization, and purchase of services. Sometimes, we need to change Apple IDs to better manage our Apple devices and data. How can Apple change its ID account?


Why Replace Apple ID

Security issues: If your Apple ID has security issues, such as being stolen by others or other security risks, changing your Apple ID can effectively protect your personal information and device security.

Privacy protection: Sometimes we may need to protect our privacy, such as turning off some data sharing in iCloud. Changing Apple ID can help us better manage our privacy settings.

Device transfer: When we purchase a new device or perform device maintenance, we may need to transfer the original Apple ID to the new device or turn off iCloud data sharing of the old device.

Exclusive account


Friends who need to use the external Apple ID can directly click the icon link to purchase an exclusive ID account. The regular platform download is 100% secure. Once sold, the backup information will be deleted immediately, without repeated sales.

How do I change my Apple ID?

Replace Apple ID by setting

1. Open the Settings application.

2. Click the "Apple ID" option at the top.


3. In the pop-up window, click the "Exit Login" button.


4. In the pop-up confirmation box, click "Logout" to confirm the operation.

5. Enter the current Apple ID password for verification according to the prompt.


6. After successful logout, the system will automatically return to the login interface. At this time, you can enter a new Apple ID and password to log in.


Replace Apple ID through App Store

1. Open the phone, find and click the "App store" of Apple App Store on the phone desktop


2. Then click the account avatar in the upper right corner. Enter the account.


3. Slide down the bottom of the phone screen and click "Log out"; Here is the difficulty. The "logout" is hidden at the bottom. You need to slide to the bottom of the screen to see it.


4. Now you have completed the account exit of the app store. Now you can log in to the new Apple ID. The Apple ID in the app store and settings can be logged in differently, without affecting the use.

matters needing attention

1. Before you log off your account, be sure to back up your important data and information to avoid data loss during the log off process.

2. When registering a new account, please be sure to fill in the correct personal information and password to ensure the security of the account.

3. When using Apple devices, be sure to keep the device updates and security patches updated to ensure the security of devices and accounts.

It is not difficult to change the Apple account, just follow the above steps. But before changing the account, you must back up important data and information to avoid unnecessary losses. At the same time, when using a new account, you should also pay attention to protecting personal information and data security. I hope this article can help you easily change your Apple account and protect your information security.

  • This article is written by Published on October 27, 2023 17:20:16
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