Foreign iPhone free account (unlimited number of high-quality and best)

In the digital era, account passwords have become an indispensable part of our lives. With the development of globalization, more and more people begin to use foreign iPhone account passwords. These account passwords can not only help us download foreign applications and purchase foreign goods, but also help us better understand foreign cultures. However, for friends with poor hands-on skills, it is still difficult to register foreign iPhone accounts in China, so I compiled a complete list of foreign iPhone free accounts.


Foreign iPhone free account

first group

account number: ; Password: Bh221122

Group II

account number: ; Password: Bh221122

Group 3

account number: ; Password: Bh221122

Exclusive account


Friends who need to use the external Apple ID can also directly click the icon link to purchase an exclusive ID account. The regular platform download is 100% secure. Once sold, the backup information will be deleted immediately without repeated sales.

Instructions for Using Foreign iPhone Free Accounts

1. Only for App Store login, never set login

2. After successful login and download, remember to log out of the account in time

3. Do not bind your mobile phone number, or the outer area ID will become the domestic ID, and remember to exit in time after downloading.

Foreign iPhone free account login tutorial

① Log in to the App Store and download the relevant APP. Note: You can only log in to the App Store, and never set up a login. The login steps are as follows (please be patient, or you will bear all the consequences)

② Find the App Store first:


③ Enter the App Store, and then click the avatar in the upper right corner to enter the login interface


④ After successfully logging in to the US ID, dual authentication will pop up and select "Other Options"

Click "Do not upgrade" to successfully enter the store in the US area. Note that changing the text from Chinese to English means successfully entering the store in the US area (changing the text into Japanese means entering the store in the Japanese area, the same for other regions)


I hope the content of this article can help you better deal with the problems encountered in the process of using iPhone, and make you more comfortable in the digital world.

Related reading

2023 The latest Apple US ID sharing is not locked (updated daily)

Overseas Apple ID account sales platform (one for one, safe and stable)

  • This article is written by Published on October 29, 2023 09:29:00
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