Can the website be restored after being blocked? Revealed by K website's recovery strategy

In the Internet world, website being K (banned or punished) is a headache for many webmasters. When a website is K, it may lose its search engine ranking, reduce its traffic, or even affect the entire business. Want to know whether the website can be restored after being K? First of all, we need to know the specific reason why the website is being K, and this article will introduce the common reasons and solutions for the website being K.


Can the website be restored after being blocked?

It is possible to restore the website after it is K, but this usually requires some time and effort

There are many reasons for the website being K, such as low quality content, non compliant SEO strategies, technical problems, etc. After determining the causes, corresponding measures need to be taken to solve these problems, such as cleaning up low-quality content, removing non-conforming SEO strategies, and solving technical problems. Then you can submit a request to the search engine for reconsideration. Different search engines have different methods. In addition, providing high-quality content, ensuring a good user experience, and continuous improvement are also important factors in restoring website rankings.


Revealed by K website's recovery strategy

Check the cause and make rectification First, check the reason why the website is blocked. After rectification, deal with it according to the following method.


Submit the link on the webmaster platform Submit the link in the webmaster platform, let the search engine grab the updated page as soon as possible, and restore the inclusion.

Station master platform complaints There is a complaint feedback place on the webmaster platform, which is handled manually. After the website problem is modified, we can make complaint feedback, and the effect is very good.

Make high-quality external chain Do a good job of high-quality external chain, improve the channel of spider capture, and speed up the recovery of the website.

Update of original articles It is necessary for the website to update articles every day. It can flow your website home page, so that when spiders come in to grab, new things come out!

What are the impacts of K on websites

Rank down The ranking of websites on the search engine results page will decline or even be excluded from the search results.

Flow decline The website will no longer get natural traffic in keyword search.

Decrease of inclusion The amount of content included in the website will decrease.

Snapshot time repeated The snapshot time stops or the snapshot time reverses.

Index volume drops rapidly After checking through the site+domain name command, the number has dropped significantly.

Unstable website The website is not available at all times, the content of the old station is unstable, and the content of the new station (within a year) is unstable.

It is a very difficult problem for the website to be K, but as long as the correct measures are taken, it is still possible to recover. I hope the content of this article can help you deal with the problem of website being K, and let your website revitalize!

  • This article is written by Published on October 24, 2023 15:08:26
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