How to create a Google account (detailed Google account registration instructions in pictures and text)

Google account is an account that many people must have when using Google services. Whether you use Gmail email, Google Cloud Storage or browse Google Play Store, you need a Google account. This article will introduce how to create a Google account in detail, and provide some considerations.


Steps to create a Google account

First, you need to use a browser to open the Google Academic Search interface,


Then click the [Login] entry in the upper right corner to enter the account login and creation interface:


Click Create Account in the lower left corner,


According to the operation prompt, operate the required items and fill in the name and other details. After the final registration is completed


Exclusive Google account purchase


If you really don't like the trouble, you can buy ready-made Google accounts directly from here. They are clean and pure accounts, very good!

Precautions for Google account

1. Select a strong password: In order to protect your account security, it is recommended to select a strong password, including letters, numbers and special characters, with a length of no less than 8 characters. Avoid using passwords that are easy to guess, such as birthday, name and other personal information.

2. Enable two-step verification: To further enhance the security of your account, you can enable Google's two-step verification function. This will require you to enter another verification code in addition to the password when logging in, for example, through SMS or mobile phone applications. This method can effectively prevent others from accessing your account without authorization.

three Carefully share personal information : Google account is associated with many personal information, including your name, email address, etc. In order to protect your privacy, share these information carefully and avoid using Google account to log in on untrusted websites or platforms. At the same time, regularly check the privacy settings of your Google account to ensure that only people authorized by you can access your personal information.

4. Update password regularly: In order to protect the security of the account, it is recommended to change the password regularly. Avoid using the same password on multiple websites to prevent the theft of other accounts due to a password disclosure.

Through this introduction, we learned how to create a Google account and some precautions. Creating a Google account only requires some simple steps, but it is very important to ensure the security of the account and protect personal information. Selecting a strong password, enabling two-step verification, and carefully sharing personal information are all important measures to protect the security of Google account. I hope this article will help you create a Google account, and I wish you a happy use of Google services!

Related articles: How to register a US Google account? (Google registration tutorial in America)

300 free Google account passwords 2023 (Google account purchase tutorial)

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