How to change the ID account of Apple mobile phone, specific steps and methods

As the world's leading smartphone manufacturer, Apple has always been famous for its excellent products and ecosystem. However, many users have encountered the need to switch Apple IDs when using Apple phones. This article will introduce you how to easily switch your Apple ID, and provide some suggestions on how to protect your account security to help you better manage your Apple devices.


How to change the ID account of Apple mobile phone

First open your iPhone, find "Settings" and click it, as shown in the figure


Scroll down to find the entire option of "iTunes store and App store", click to enter and we can see the ID of the current login, as shown in the figure.


Click the existing ID, and then a window will pop up, choose to log out, and then enter the ID you want to change, as shown in the figure.


Another way is to directly open the "App Store", select the avatar in the upper right corner of the "APP", click Enter, and you will also have the option to log out. After you log out, you can log in to the one you want to change.


Precautions when switching ID accounts

When switching Apple IDs, make sure you have backed up all important data to prevent data loss.

If you are using iPhone 6S or later, and iOS version is 12.3 or higher, you can use the "Quick Switch" function to switch Apple IDs. Simply swipe up on the home screen and enter the password for the new Apple ID to complete the switch.

Before signing out, please make sure that you have cancelled all subscriptions and purchases, or you may need to contact the Apple official to solve the problem.

Exclusive account


If you need to use a foreign Apple ID, you can directly click the icon button to purchase the finished Apple ID. The ID of this website can be downloaded through formal channels, which is absolutely safe. Once you sell it, you can delete the backup information immediately and do not repeat the sales.

How to protect your Apple ID account security

Enable dual authentication: To protect your account security, it is recommended that you enable the dual authentication function. This will make your Apple ID more secure and reliable.

Change password regularly: In order to prevent account theft or unauthorized use, it is recommended that you change your Apple ID password regularly. At the same time, make sure the password is complex enough and hard to guess.

Don't share your Apple ID: Sharing your Apple ID with others may lead to your privacy disclosure and account theft. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not share your Apple ID with others.

Pay attention to security tips: If your Apple ID receives an abnormal login prompt or security warning, please pay attention and investigate. This may be a sign that your account has been stolen.

Switching Apple IDs and protecting account security are important tasks for each Apple user. This article introduces the steps of how to switch Apple IDs. I hope this information can help you better manage your Apple devices and protect personal privacy and information security.

Related reading

Apple ID Password Modification and Security Map and Text Tutorial

Apple ID purchase website (new high-quality account for sale)

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