Unable to create Google account (share reasons and solutions)

Google accounts are an indispensable part of many people's daily life, because they allow us to use Gmail, YouTube, Google Drive and many other Google services. However, sometimes, trying to create a Google account may encounter various problems, resulting in unsuccessful registration. This article will introduce some reasons that may lead to the failure to create a Google account, and provide solutions to ensure that you can successfully register.


If you want to have an account in it, we also have a ready-made account. You can click the link below to buy it. All accounts are independent and secure.


Reasons for Google account registration failure

Reason 1: The user name used has been occupied


Try a different user name: If the user name you use is already occupied by another user, you need to select a different user name. The user name of Google account must be unique.

Add numbers or special characters: If your favorite user name has already been used, you can try to add numbers, underscores or other special characters in the user name to create a unique user name.

Reason 2: The password does not meet the requirements


Follow password requirements: Google has certain requirements for passwords, including at least 8 characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. Make sure your password meets these requirements.

Don't use passwords that are easy to guess: Avoid using passwords that are easy to guess, such as "password" or "123456". Select a complex password to improve security.

Reason 3: The mobile phone number has been associated with other accounts


Use another mobile phone number: If your mobile phone number is already associated with another Google account, you need to select another available mobile phone number to register a new account. Each mobile phone number can only be associated with one Google account.

Cause 4: The IP address used is blocked


Wait for a while: If your IP address is blocked by Google, it may be due to the failure of multiple attempts to create an account. Wait for a period of time, usually a few hours or a day, and then try to re register.

Cause 5: Age does not meet the requirements


Confirm age requirements: Google requires users to be at least 13 years old to create Google accounts. If you are under 13 years old, you need to wait until this requirement is met before you can register.

Reason 6: Security verification failed


Check the verification code: When creating a Google account, you usually need to enter the verification code. Make sure you have entered the verification code correctly, and check the upper and lower case letters carefully.

Try different verification methods: If you cannot pass the image verification code verification, you can try to complete the registration through SMS or phone verification.

Reason 7: Use virtual number


Use a real phone number: Google requires users to use a real phone number for verification. The virtual number usually cannot be verified by Google, so please use your real mobile number.

Google Account Registration Tutorial

1. First of all, scientific Internet access is a must

2. Open the browser's traceless browsing mode. Google Browser or 360 Speed Browser are recommended here. Both have the traceless browsing function.


3. Open Google's official website (www.google. com) in the browser and click the login button in the upper right corner.


4. In the login interface, click Create Account to create an account for yourself.


5. Come to the registration information filling interface, we fill in our own information and fill it in truthfully. Please remember the user name and password after filling in. When logging in, click Next


6. Go to the mobile phone verification interface, select China as the country, remember to add+86 before the number, fill in your mobile phone number, and click Next.


7. The mobile phone receives the verification code sent by Google. We fill it in and click Verify.

If you are still unable to create a Google account, it is recommended that you try a variety of different solutions or contact the Google support team for further help. No matter what problems occur, Google usually provides ways to solve them to ensure that users can successfully create accounts and enjoy their services. I hope these solutions can help you overcome the problem of being unable to create a Google account and successfully register and use Google's various services.

  • This article is written by Published on October 7, 2023 17:35:49
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/18972.html
