How to register an Apple ID account in the United States (details of Apple ID registration images and texts)

In the digital era, Apple ID accounts are important credentials for using Apple devices and services. By having a US Apple ID account, you will be able to access Apple's various services and applications such as App Store, iTunes Store, iCloud, etc. Registering an American Apple ID account is the first step to enjoy the Apple ecosystem. And many people want to enjoy more benefits, so Apple ID in the United States is really different from that in China, so let's talk about how to register one.

preparation in advance

A domestic mobile phone number. Even mobile phone numbers that have registered Apple ID in China can still be used to register accounts in the United States.

An email that has not registered an Apple ID.

US address generator.

Registration steps

Open the U.S. Address Generator

First open a US address generator, and then generate and select the US tax-free state address. It is recommended to turn on the computer, because there are too many advertisements on the mobile phone, so I'm afraid of clicking them by mistake.


Open the official website of Apple in the United States and fill in the registration information

First enter the US Apple ID registration page

Fill in the information according to the following figure. Several points should be noted:


The country should fill in the United States.

Be older than eighteen.

Email is optional, as long as no Apple ID has been registered.

The password does not need to contain the name, birthday, text or number in the email.

The mobile phone number can be directly used in China, even if it has already registered an account in China.

Select SMS as the verification method.

Email verification+phone verification

After you click Continue, you will be asked to verify your email and phone number. Enter the verification code separately. Finally, click Next to register successfully. But it's not finished yet. You still need to add the payment method and billing address, and continue to read.


Login to Apple ID in the U.S

Open the App Store, click the avatar in the upper right corner, and then slide to the bottom to exit the currently logged in account. Then enter the registered US account and password, and click Login.


Fill in payment method+billing address and complete registration


After clicking Check, you will need to improve the payment method and billing address. Fill in here as shown in the figure below. Note:

Never choose the payment method column.

The billing address uses the US fake address generated on the first page we opened.

Remember, the first+1 is the country code, so don't fill it in. For the rest, the first three digits are the area code, and the last seven digits are the phone number.

After filling in all the information, just click on the next page.


Of course, if you think the steps of registration are complicated, you can click the link below to purchase. All accounts are used independently by one person and one account, which is good.


matters needing attention

When registering an Apple ID account in the United States, you should pay attention to the following points:

Use real information: In order to ensure the normal operation and security of the account, it is recommended that you provide real personal information for registration.

Choose the right payment method: During the registration process, choose a payment method that is suitable for you so that you can purchase payment applications and services smoothly.

Attention to privacy settings: After registration, you can set privacy options according to your personal preferences to ensure that your personal information is properly protected.

Through this introduction, we learned how to register an Apple ID account in the United States. An American Apple ID account will provide you with the opportunity to enjoy the Apple ecosystem and allow you to easily access various Apple services and applications. In the process of registration, please be sure to provide true personal information and choose an appropriate payment method. After the registration is completed, please also pay attention to the reasonable setting of privacy options to protect the security and privacy of personal information.

  • This article is written by Published on September 28, 2023 14:28:34
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