How to add a friend ID to steam (the latest method of adding friends to steam)

In the digital era, games have become an indispensable part of people's entertainment life. As one of the largest game platforms in the world, Steam has attracted a large number of players and developers. If you want to play games with friends, adding friends has become an essential part. So, how does Steam add a friend ID? This article will introduce you to the latest ways to add friends, so that you can better understand and use Steam.

How to add friends to steam

In fact, there are many ways for Steam to add friends. Take the client as an example, click Friends under the profile and select Add Friends.


You can see that there are three ways: friend code, quick invitation link and friend search.


Friend code

The friend code is the most convenient to add. As long as you know the friend code of the other party is entered, the Add button will be displayed. This method is suitable for adding mobile phones and clients.


Click Add to receive your friend request. Click Accept.


Quick invitation link

The quick invitation link needs to be pasted into the browser to open it. If you want to open it, you don't need to send an invitation to add it. You can add friends directly after the other party accepts it.


Search friends

Finally, searching for friends is more unfriendly. When searching, people usually search for other people's nicknames or IDs, but if the nicknames are the same, they will be indistinguishable.


Steam account purchase


If you do not have a steam account, you can also directly click the icon link to purchase. All steam accounts sold by this site are downloaded through the formal channel, and are exclusive to one person. Backup information is deleted when sold.

How can I add more friends?

Want to make more friends on Steam? Here are some suggestions and methods to help you expand your Steam social circle:

Participate in community activities: On Steam, there are many games with active community activities. By participating in these community activities, you can meet more like-minded players and send them friend invitations.

Use Steam Forum: On Steam Forum, you can meet some interesting people and join their game groups. Through these groups, you can make more friends and find some interesting servers or activities.

Buy shared games: If you want to add friends faster, you can consider buying some shared games. By sharing games, you can play games with your friends and meet more people in the game.

How to avoid adding spam information?

In the process of adding friends, you also need to pay attention to some things to avoid adding spam or encountering scammers. Here are some suggestions:

Don't add strangers at will: Be careful when adding friends. Don't add strangers at will, especially those friends who ask you to provide personal information or let you download unknown software.

View personal information: When adding friends, you can view their personal information. If their personal information is vague or has no avatar, they are likely to be spam or cheaters.

Don't disclose your personal information easily: When adding friends, don't disclose your personal information easily. For example, don't reveal your Steam token code or credit card information to strangers. This information may be used for fraud or other illegal activities.

Use the masking function: On Steam, you can use the masking function to avoid receiving spam messages. When you block a user, they cannot send you messages or invitations. This function is very useful to help you avoid unnecessary interference.

Adding a friend ID to Steam is very convenient, and it can expand your social circle and make more like-minded friends. By mastering the correct way to add friends, you can easily add more friends. At the same time, it is also important to avoid adding spam information and protecting your personal information. I hope these suggestions will help you!

  • This article is written by Published on September 27, 2023 15:02:02
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