Free online earning skills for online earning projects: 1000+Baidu Library a day

Recently, I found that Baidu Wenku is still a very good platform for online earning. This article is for those who are new to the Internet or want to learn online earning skills. It is only for beginners and experts.

The Internet is an industry where only one person can succeed, and every person who is determined to fight will eventually get rich returns.

Many people always believe that making money depends on luck, opportunities and opportunities. After all, a famous person once said that pigs can fly when standing on the tuyere. Indeed, some people are good at seizing the wind to take off, and can also quickly accumulate wealth. However, more and more people make money by fighting against each other. They pay no attention to things outside the window, concentrate on fighting against each other on a platform, guard their own land, become the leader of the sub industry, and make money secretly. I think this game is suitable for most people.

After all, business talent is very important, and not everyone can catch the wind.

Baidu Wenku, as we all know, is a document sharing platform under Baidu. It has many advantages that the document sharing platform does not have, that is, traffic support, and high keyword weight. After all, it's good to lean against a big tree for shade.

But in recent years, this platform has been abandoned by most people. The reason for the abandonment is that the content audit standard is very strict. Once it is found that there is contact information in it, the number is particularly serious.

In fact, every platform can be used as long as its rules are clearly understood. However, most people have ignored the advantages of this platform, and only a few people are studying it, so there are many people who are making a lot of money. After all, the traffic of the platform itself is very good.

 Free online earning skills for online earning projects: 1000+Baidu Library a day

Just like such a shared document, in just half a year, there were more than 70000 people browsing and more than 1000 people downloading it. And the people who download them are precise customers. If there are advertisements left in such documents, how many people do you think can see them? It is conservatively estimated that 10000 people will be able to see your contact information, and 3000 or 4000 people will add you. This means that you will add 3000 or 4000 friends, which means that you can realize a lot of money through these people.

This is just one of the documents. What if you have 100 such documents? How about 1000? Then your contact information is exposed by millions. It means that you will have a traffic system that will continuously supply you with traffic. With enough traffic, is it difficult to make money? I can only say that it is a matter of course.

However, if you want to make money in Baidu Library, you must have skills. After all, the library has a huge amount of data. There are hundreds of thousands or even millions of data in any sub industry. How to stand out from these data and gain good exposure rate is very important. Through continuous summary, practice and observation, I list some experiences that can help your documents stand out quickly.

1. Positioning

The role of positioning is to understand what industry you are purposefully engaged in, such as training, or selling tutorials. If you are positioned to make money on the Internet, then the documents you upload later should be uploaded around this main keyword.

2. Account preparation

After positioning, you can prepare an account, a new account is enough. As we all know, new accounts have no weight, that is to say, they have no credibility, so the audit system needs to make a decision on the account. So don't be anxious in the early stage. Don't leave any contact information in the document, or it will be easy to be blocked. One criterion for judging the weight increase is the audit time. The shorter the audit time, the higher the weight of your account.

3. Title keywords

Once the account has the weight, you can write the title. You must write a title around your position. For example, the title of making money by positioning the network can write 72 tips for making money by network. How to make money online for college students. A computer network makes money. Add+your keywords from different dimensions, so that users can find your documents when searching for the main keywords. The title of Baidu Wenku is written differently from that of other We Media. Just write a summary of the document content. No other words are required.

We media writing is usually used to attract people's attention. For example, Xiaobai can also earn 30000 yuan a month online. Baidu Library is just a way for novices to make money online. The expression of simple meaning core, too long title is not conducive to display and ranking.

4. Add+you

After the first few steps, the most important thing is to let others see our content. Baidu Wenku puts contact with fangshi, and the following are relatively easy to pass. 1. Two v codes 2. Header and footer 3. Keywords

These methods are commonly used and have been verified for countless times. Generally, the 2v code of WeChat is enough. Add+to the word document at the header and footer. Keyword: if you have a website, it will rank first. Leave the keyword and others will search.

5. Contact appeal

Why should others add your contacts according to your requirements? So it is important to give readers a reason. As I said, the best reason is inducement. Induce him to add you. For example, receive the latest 28 profiteering projects. This is one reason. I add you and you give me these projects. So it is very important to understand what your intended customers need. Design a bait for him and let him take the initiative to add you.

In these steps, the rest is to upload data repeatedly. When reaching a certain magnitude, it will naturally explode.

I will try my best to write more detailed articles on dry goods. After all, people have different understanding abilities due to different foundations. Please read carefully, it will definitely benefit you a lot.

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