Don't touch the 5 part-time jobs that make money quickly!

There are many part-time jobs, but there is no way to make money quickly without relying on skills.

Two days ago, the company's intern Momo came to me to complain because Taobao shuan was cheated. Although he was cheated of several hundred yuan, it was also a large amount for him who had just worked.

There are many part-time jobs on the Internet, many of which are deceptive.

It is easy for people who have just come into contact to fall into the trap carefully designed by the fraudster.

Today, Mingge sorted out five kinds of part-time scams. I hope everyone will be more alert and avoid being cheated when looking for part-time jobs.

1. Taobao

Momo saw the screenshot of the income of others' Taobao shua form on QQ. Sometimes a few tens of hundreds a day, and many thousands.

Just imagine how tempting it is for an intern who has just come out of the society?

His heart itched and he contacted the other party. The other side said that as long as the deposit of 299 yuan was paid, the principal would be returned in three days.

After the money is paid, there will be a series of trainings. Download YY voice, fill in information, and introduce the mode of making money.

At this time, he realized that the so-called way of making money was to constantly bring people in and develop offline.

Under the guise of "shua sheet", they are doing pyramid selling activities.

Momo could not stand the torture in his heart, so he gave up the idea of pulling people, and pulled everything in the organization black.

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2. Gambling investment

I don't know if you have ever met this situation. When you open the website, you will pop up some banner advertisements. The content is about "buying a house and a car in three months, how did the post-90s generation do it?" Mingge has met several times.

If you click in, you will see the screenshot of the other party's story about his miracle of getting rich and his income in a short period of time, constantly stimulating your desire and leaving his things in the text.

After reading these, I usually feel excited and can't help but add him.

Then, he will tell you that this is a lottery. They have professional data analysts who can accurately predict the lottery number. You can buy the lottery with them and make sure you win.

At the beginning of betting, I can really make money. I can earn 300 by investing 100.

This is exactly the bait set by the liar to dispel your doubts.

You will put more money into it, and then you will lose nothing. Many people spend more and more money in order to pay back their capital, even lose their money······

First, I'll give you some sweets to let you relax your vigilance. This is the trick of a liar.

3. Shake your voice and like it

Now there are many people playing dithering. The liar claims that dithering orders a favor of 1-3 yuan to lure you into the bait.

Those who fall for the trap are generally college students who are not experienced in the world, as well as those with lower educational background.

After you add his QQ, you first throw out all kinds of bait to arouse your desire to make money and let you into the trap, but the other party will not let you pay dues.

Because this set has been played badly, no one believes it.

Now it is popular for you to buy a serial number. Only when you buy it can you activate your account and get your salary.

After purchasing the serial number, he will ask you to pay the software installation fee. All these expenses will be refunded to you after the task is completed.

This is a word game. A liar will set a very difficult task to stop you step by step, making it impossible for you to complete it.

But the ultimate goal is only one: Let you pay.

4. Online recruitment

The swindler publishes recruitment information on the Internet. If you apply for a job, he will ask you to pay some miscellaneous fees, saying that they will be returned to you after employment.

They may introduce you to some jobs, but they are definitely far from what you think. If you don't want to do it, they will refuse to return the money you paid.

The student group is the easiest to fall for this kind of scam, because the idea is relatively simple, and the form of recruitment is not very clear.

Formal recruitment is not allowed to charge any fees, and even any personal documents cannot be seized.

5. Crowdfunding to make money

The liar first bragged about how powerful and powerful he was at making money, and then said that he had many ways to make money, and needed to find someone to do it together, but there were not enough people.

If you find him, you will be asked to pay a sum of money, which can be regarded as start-up capital, similar to crowdfunding.

You think you can make a lot of money with him. In fact, there are a lot of ways to make money online, which are left over by others.

If you follow that method to make money, you will not only fail to make money, but may also make yourself dizzy.

When you understand it, he will either have slipped away or make excuses to tell you that the method is OK, that your execution is wrong, and that you can't blame anyone for making money.

There are countless cheats in life, but they are making money by using humanity.

Greed is always the weakness of people.

You may encounter these 5 part-time jobs arranged by Mingge today, but you don't know the story behind them.

But in these scams, it is not difficult to see the common routines used by fraudsters:

1. Be alert when claiming that work is easy and pay high.

2. Let you pay and immediately pull the black.

3. You are not allowed to provide personal information.

The society is constantly innovating, and there are more and more cheats.

We can't stop the cheats from appearing. We can only tell ourselves that the pie will never fall from the sky.

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on April 18, 2019 19:13:03
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