How to register an account in Melon China (Melon domestic registration tutorial)

With the advent of the digital era, music has become an indispensable part of people's life. Melon, as a well-known music streaming media platform in South Korea, has gradually become popular in China in recent years. If you want to register a Melon China account, this article will provide you with a detailed registration tutorial so that you can easily enjoy music.

Melon Registration Tutorial

First of all, this is used in South Korea, so before we use it in China, we need to modify and disguise our online environment, otherwise we cannot use it. How to find online tools? You can search for some useful ones by yourself.

Step 1: Download and install the Melon application


First, you need to download and install the Melon application on your mobile device. You can go to the App Store (iOS users) or App Market (Android users) to search for "Melon" to find and download apps.


Step 2: Open the application and select the registration method

After installation, open the Melon application. You will see the login page. Since you have not registered your account, click the "Register" button.

Step 3: Select the registration method

Melon provides a variety of registration methods, including mobile phone registration, email registration and social media account binding. In China, mobile phone registration is usually the most common way. Click "Mobile Registration" to enter the next step.

Step 4: Fill in the mobile phone number

In this step, you need to fill in your mobile phone number. Make sure the number is correct, because you will receive a verification code to complete the registration process. After filling in the mobile phone number, click "Next".

Step 5: Receive and fill in the verification code

You will receive a text message containing a verification code for registration. Fill in the verification code in the corresponding input box and click "Verify".

Step 6: Set the password


Next, you need to set a password for login. Make sure the password is strong enough and easy to remember. After the password is set, click "Next".

Step 7: Fill in the basic information

In this step, you need to fill in some basic information, including your nickname, gender, birth date, etc. After filling in, click "Finish".

Step 8: Agree to the User Agreement

At the last step of the registration process, you need to agree to Melon's user agreement and privacy policy. After reading the agreement, check the consent box and click the "Agree" button.

Step 9: Complete the registration

Congratulations, you have successfully registered a Melon China account! You can use the phone number and password you just set to log in.

Additional tips:

If you already have other social media accounts, you can also choose to use Weibo, QQ or WeChat accounts for quick login and binding.

After you have registered, it is recommended that you improve your personal information to get a better use experience. You can upload your avatar, add a personal signature, etc.

With this simple step, you can successfully register a Melon China account and enjoy rich music resources at any time. Whether listening to music, collecting, creating playlists or communicating with other music lovers, Melon can provide you with a comprehensive music experience. Let's walk into Melon's music world and find more beautiful notes and moving melodies.

  • This article is written by Published on October 7, 2023 14:54:33
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