How to fill in the US ID address? Tutorial for Apple to register the US ID account address

GuoID is an account system provided by Apple, which can be used to download applications and purchase music, movies and TV programs in the iTunes store. It is very important to fill in the address when registering a US ID account. Because Apple will judge your region according to the address filled in, so as to provide corresponding applications and services. If it is not filled in correctly, the application may not be downloaded or purchased, or even be prohibited from using Apple ID.


Meiqu Apple ID Registration Tutorial

Enter the application website

First enter the official website:

Exclusive account


The process of registering Apple ID is complicated, and friends with poor hands-on skills can also click the icon link to buy it. This website ID is registered through formal channels, which is absolutely safe. Once sold, the backup will be deleted immediately, and it will not be sold twice.

Fill in according to the following figure:

Countries and regions must choose the United States

Date of birth should be greater than 18 years old

Try to use the newly registered mailbox

The phone number can use the Chinese mobile phone number


2 Email and mobile phone verification

After clicking Continue, you will see that you can enter the received email verification code


Log in to your mailbox and find the email from Appl


Select to continue after input


You will receive a mobile phone verification code:


Enter the mobile phone verification code and click Continue


3 Payment method


The US address generator is used

Generate the address according to the figure below


Fill in according to the address generated by the US address generator above


Shipping address Click here to copy the billing address


4 Complete registration


Filling in the correct address is one of the important steps to register an Apple ID account. Only by filling in the correct address can we get a better application and service experience. Therefore, you must be careful when filling in the address to ensure that the address is true, correct and in line with the U.S. address format.

  • This article is written by Published on August 24, 2023 14:37:53
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