What is the official website entry for Apple ID creation? Image and text creation tutorial of Apple ID in the United States

In today's digital era, Apple has become one of the world's leading high-tech companies. Apple's products and services are widely welcomed by consumers around the world, and Apple ID is an important service provided by Apple. Apple ID accounts are associated with services such as iCloud, App Store, iTunes Store and Apple Music, making it easier for users to manage their data, purchase applications and media content.


Apple ID creation official website portal

The official website portal created by Apple ID is https://appleid.apple.com/ Users can enter the official website through this link, fill in relevant information according to the prompts on the page, and then create their own Apple ID accounts. When creating an Apple ID account, users need to provide information such as name, date of birth, country or region, e-mail address, and set password.

Exclusive account


The process of registering Apple ID is complicated, and friends with poor hands-on skills can also click the icon link to buy it. This website ID is registered through formal channels, which is absolutely safe. Once sold, the backup will be deleted immediately, and it will not be sold twice.

Image and Text Tutorial of Apple ID Creation in the United States


An Apple phone.

163 or QQ email can be an email account without registered ID.

A number that can receive SMS verification codes.

Automatically generated overseas address.

Specific steps:


① Open the above Apple official website: https://appleid.apple.com/

The mobile phone can directly click to enter the settings, of course, it can also be opened with the computer, and then the operation is more convenient.

③ Start filling in the specific information.

1. Last name and first name can be in Chinese and Pinyin.

2. Fill in the country and region to be registered, and fill in the United States.

3. Pay attention to birthdays over the age of 18.


4. Fill in the email and password, and note that the password is case sensitive+number+letter sensitive.

5. Mobile phones used to collect SMS verification codes can be filled in the mainland of China.

6. We don't want advertising! Uncheck before continuing.

8. Click payment and delivery, add payment method, and fill in payment method.

9. Fill in the US address, zip code and telephone number according to the chart.

10. After filling in the information, save it to make the initial registration of Apple ID in the United States.

Final verification:

① Open your phone's AppStore.

② Log in to the newly registered account and password. Since this is our first login, click Review in the pop-up window,

Then open the Agree Terms and Conditions button to proceed to the next step.

(Don't fill in others)

③ Registration succeeded!


Through the above tutorials, users can easily create their own Apple ID accounts in the United States. Apple ID can not only be used to log in and manage various Apple devices and services, but also be used to purchase and download applications, music, movies, e-books, etc.

  • This article is written by Published on August 23, 2023 14:20:58
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