Solution to Safe Alert: Request Error step 1/2 in dream weaving DedeCms

 Watson Blog April 21, 2019 09:47:15 DeDe comment one hundred and eighty-five Reading mode

When importing 100000 data from an excel file to the database table of the dream weaving system for a customer, a Safe Alert: Request Error step 2 will be prompted.

At first, I thought there was a problem with the code I wrote, but I couldn't find the problem any more. The code was completely correct. Because I used SQL statements, I wonder if there is security detection in dream weaving? So I checked the dream weaving system database class, because I used database statements like $dsql ->Execute().

Find the class file/include/dedesql.class.php, and put this line of code: $this ->safeCheck=TRUE;

Change to: $this->safeCheck = FALSE;

It is equivalent to closing the dream weaving sql statement detection.

When the value of $this ->safeCheck is true, call the sql statement detection function CheckSql() in this class to detect sql security.

If we insert too much data and call sql statements for a long time, Zhimeng thinks that it is injecting into the website, so we will prompt Safe Alert: Request Error step 1/2


 Watson Blog
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