Female Bodhisattvas that Twitter must follow (Twitter's most popular female Bodhisattvas list)

As a global social media platform, Twitter has a variety of users, including some very influential women. They share their thoughts, views and lives through their Twitter accounts, attracting a large number of fans and followers. In this article, we will introduce some female bodhisattvas that must be followed on Twitter. They come from different fields, but they are all women with very high visibility and influence.

The Bodhisattva that Twitter must follow

Zhang Naying


Zhang Naying, a 22 year old girl from South Korea, was born on January 30, 2001. She graduated from the Department of Aviation Services of Yancheng University and is currently suspended from school. Her height is 1 meter 67.9, very tall. She has her own account on Twitter, ins, TikTok and other social media, and the account name is the same - i am young22. Her fans have exceeded 3.6 million and 56.1 million likes. She is a very popular person.

Zhang Naying's charm lies in her energetic and spiritual personality. Her account is mainly about sharing daily life, playing cuteness, dancing with music, playing cosplay, etc. Her videos are very interesting and can bring joy and optimism to people. But her account is not limited to these aspects. She will also share some philosophical topics or thoughts about the spiritual world. These topics do not make people feel dull, on the contrary, her discussion and enlightenment always make people feel very happy and comfortable.

Miss Zhang hy


Miss Zhang hy is a very attractive woman who is very popular on Twitter. Her appearance is very excellent, and her figure is very good. She has big lights, hips, a devil figure, and a red face, so she has gained a lot of fans. In addition to her attractive appearance, Miss Zhang hy is also very talented. She often shares her feelings and thoughts on Twitter, which has aroused many people's resonance. Her tweets are very interesting, full of wisdom and humor, which makes people want to pay attention to them all the time. In addition, Miss Zhang hy also has a high level of cultural accomplishment and knowledge. Her tweets often involve various kinds of knowledge and culture, which makes people pay attention to her not only from the perspective of entertainment, but also from the perspective of learning and growth.

Exclusive twitter account purchase


If you don't have a Twitter account and don't want to register, you can buy an exclusive account. The exclusive account is no different from the one you registered. It can be used for a long time and is very safe. You can change your password after you buy it!


Velociraptor is a very personalized woman. She has attracted many fans on Twitter with her humor and wit. Velociraptor is good at expressing her views with humorous words and pictures, and her Twitter often makes people laugh. In addition to humor, Velociraptor is also very thoughtful. She often shares her views on society and life on Twitter, which has attracted many people's attention. Her words are full of independence and self-confidence, making people feel her unique charm and personality. In addition, Velociraptor is also keen to share her life and growth experience, encourage and inspire more people, and make people feel her attitude and values towards life.

Sister Lin Nan

Sister Lin Nan is a very talented woman. She attracts many fans on Twitter with her artistic atmosphere. Lin Nan is good at writing and painting. She often shares her works on Twitter, which makes people feel her talent and artistic charm. In addition to literature and art, Sister Lin Nan is also very thoughtful. She often shares her feelings and thoughts on Twitter, which resonates with many people. Her works are full of spirituality and beauty, making people feel her emotional world and spiritual pursuit. In addition, Sister Lin Nan is also very enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings and has made many positive contributions to society and people through her talent and influence.

Following these female bodhisattvas on Twitter can help you understand the latest developments in different fields, and also help you understand women's voices in society and politics. These female Bodhisattvas' Twitter accounts are very interesting and insightful. They share their views and opinions through their Twitter accounts, and also interact and exchange with their fans. If you haven't paid attention to them, you should try to understand these influential women, draw inspiration and wisdom from them, and make your life more fulfilling and meaningful.

  • This article is written by Published on August 22, 2023 10:15:06
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