US id Apple temporary account sharing, 2023 latest free iOS account sharing

With the development of globalization, people's needs are becoming more and more diverse. Some applications are only available in Apple stores in specific countries, while users in other countries cannot download and use them. At this time, the US ID Apple temporary account has become a good solution, allowing users to access applications that are not available in specific countries. The following is a temporary account of American ID Apple.


The role of the US ID Apple temporary account

The role of the US ID Apple temporary account is obvious. It allows users to download and use specific applications in the US Apple Store. These applications include some popular applications worldwide, such as Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, etc., and some applications only used in the United States, such as Uber.

US ID Apple temporary account sharing

first group

account number:

Password: Zxcv123123

Group II

account number:

Password: YY112211

Group 3

account number:

Password: As112211

Exclusive account


Although a temporary U.S. Apple account can help you download applications or games abroad, using a temporary account is not a long-term solution. If you have a friend who has used Apple account for a long time, you can directly click the icon link to purchase an exclusive ID account, which is more convenient for one person to use!

How to log in to the temporary account of American ID Apple


matters needing attention

1. Attention! be careful! be careful! The temporary account information cannot be modified to avoid account exceptions.

2. If you need to purchase paid items, please purchase an exclusive account instead of recharging the shared account.

3. You can only log in to the App Store to share your Apple ID account. Remember not to log in to Apple iCloud, or your phone may be locked.

4. After using the temporary account, exit the account in time, and do not occupy public resources.


When you want to download foreign games or software, you can use the temporary American Apple ID, but these accounts are not suitable for long-term use, so it is recommended that you register yourself or purchase an exclusive ID to ensure security.

  • This article is written by Published on August 21, 2023 14:42:29
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