How to write the street of the registered address of Apple ID in the United States? This article will show you the format of Apple ID registration address

In the modern technology era, the use of Apple products has become an indispensable part of people's daily life. Apple's products need to use Apple ID to register and log in, but Apple ID registration needs to fill in detailed personal information, including address information. So, how to write the street of the registered address of Apple ID in the United States? This article will introduce the specifications and precautions of the street where Apple ID is registered in the United States.


Street specification of Apple ID registered address in the United States

Apple's address specifications in the United States may be different from those in other countries or regions. Therefore, when filling in the street of the registered address of Apple ID in the United States, it needs to be filled in according to the specifications of the United States. In the United States, the street of Apple ID registration address needs to be filled in according to the specification, otherwise it may lead to registration failure. The specific specifications are as follows:

First, you need to fill in the street name and house number. The street name needs to be written in full, and the house number needs to be filled in with accurate numbers. For example, "123 Main St" means that the house number is 123 and the street name is "Main St".

The street name is usually in the form of "Street", "Road", "Avenue", "Boulevard", "Drive", etc. The full name is required and cannot be abbreviated.

The house number is usually a number, but it may also contain letters, such as 123A, 123B, etc. It needs to fill in accurate characters.

Next, you need to fill in the apartment or suite number (if any). The apartment or suite number should be written after the house number and separated by "#". For example, "123 Main St # 456" means that the house number is 123, the street name is "Main St", and the apartment or suite number is 456.

The apartment or suite number is usually a number, but it may also contain letters or characters, such as A, B, C, 101, 102, and so on. Accurate characters need to be filled in.

Finally, you need to fill in the city, state and zip code. The city and state need to write their full names, and the zip code needs to be filled in with accurate numbers. For example, "San Francisco, CA 94103" means that the city is San Francisco, the state is California, and the zip code is 94103.

The names of cities and states in the United States also need to be filled in full names, which cannot be abbreviated. The zip code is 5 digits, and you need to fill in the exact number.

Exclusive account


The process of registering Apple ID is complicated, and friends with poor hands-on skills can directly click the icon button to purchase the finished Apple ID, and the website ID can be downloaded through the formal channel, which is absolutely safe. Once sold, the backup information will be deleted immediately, without repeated sales.

matters needing attention

When filling in the street of the registered address of Apple ID in the United States, you should also pay attention to the following matters:

Make sure that the address information is accurate, otherwise it may lead to registration failure or account locking.

If the address information is not filled in correctly, it may lead to Apple ID registration failure or account locking. Therefore, the address information filled in needs to be carefully checked to ensure accuracy.

If you are not sure about the zip code, you can check it on the U.S. Postal Service website.

If you are not sure about the zip code, you can check it on the U.S. Postal Service website( )。 Enter the address information on the website to find the corresponding zip code.

If you live in an apartment or suite, you need to fill in the accurate apartment or suite number, otherwise the mail may not be delivered.

In the United States, Apple ID registered address street needs to be filled in according to the specification, including street name, house number, apartment or suite number, city, state and zip code. At the same time, attention should be paid to the accuracy of address information to avoid registration failure or account locking. I hope this article can help you better fill in the street where Apple ID is registered in the United States.

  • This article is written by Published on August 21, 2023 13:38:20
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