Apple ID has been locked. Don't click to unlock it. How to avoid locking Apple ID

Apple's Apple ID is a necessary condition for using Apple devices and services. It provides users with many conveniences and functions. However, sometimes users may encounter a situation where Apple ID is locked, which will result in users being unable to log in and use Apple devices and services. This article will introduce how to avoid the locking of Apple ID and how to deal with the locking of Apple ID.

苹果id已锁定千万别点解锁,apple id避免被锁定的方法

Methods to avoid Apple ID being locked

1. Use strong password and two-step verification function: use strong password to avoid password guessing or cracking, and two-step verification function can improve the security of accounts and prevent accounts from being stolen. Strong passwords usually include upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters, with a length of at least 8 digits. The user can enable the two-step verification function in the settings. At this time, when logging in, the user will be prompted to enter another verification factor, such as SMS verification code, fingerprint or face recognition.

2. Don't try to log in too many times: If a user tries to log in too many times but fails, Apple will consider this as a malicious attack, thus locking the user's account. If the user has forgotten his/her password, he/she can click the "Forgot Password" button to reset the password, or use the alternate email or phone number provided at the time of registration to retrieve the password.

3. Do not share or disclose account information: Users should not share their account information with others, nor should they enter account information on unsafe websites. If the user suspects that his/her account information has been leaked or stolen, he/she should change the password as soon as possible and enable the two-step verification function.

4. Regularly update the operating system of Apple devices: Apple will regularly release security updates to fix known vulnerabilities and improve the security of devices. Users should regularly update the operating system of the device to ensure the security and stability of the device.

Exclusive account

苹果id已锁定千万别点解锁,apple id避免被锁定的方法

Need to use apples from other regions ID Friends can directly click the icon link to purchase exclusive ID This website ID is registered through formal channels, which is absolutely safe. Once sold, the backup will be deleted immediately, and it will not be sold twice.

Dealing with Apple ID being locked

1. Don't trust the unlocking link: some cheats will send fake unlocking links to let users enter account information, thus stealing account information. Users should find the unlocking method on Apple's official website. Users can find unlocking methods on Apple's official website or other trusted websites.

2. Unlock account by resetting password: users can unlock account by resetting password, but they need to provide some personal information to verify their identity. If the user cannot unlock the account by himself, he can contact Apple customer service for help. When resetting the password, the user can choose to use the alternate email or phone number provided during registration to receive the link or verification code for resetting the password.

3. Contact Apple customer service: If users cannot unlock their accounts by resetting their passwords, they can contact Apple customer service for help. Apple customer service can provide more detailed unlocking methods and technical support.

How to unlock Apple ID

1. Reset Password: Users can unlock their accounts by resetting their passwords, but they need to provide some personal information to verify their identity. When resetting the password, the user can choose to use the alternate email or phone number provided during registration to receive the link or verification code for resetting the password.

2. Contact Apple customer service: If users cannot unlock their accounts by resetting their passwords, they can contact Apple customer service for help. Apple customer service can provide more detailed unlocking methods and technical support.


The locked Apple ID may cause some trouble to users, but users can take some preventive measures to avoid this situation. It is very important to protect the security of the account. Users should always be vigilant to prevent the account from being stolen or locked. In addition, users should also change their passwords regularly and enable two-step verification to improve the security of their accounts. If the user's account is locked, the problem can be solved by resetting the password or contacting customer service.

  • This article is written by Published on August 8, 2023 13:22:25
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